Mahmoud Hassan
Mahmoud Hassan
Brain scientist and founder of MINDIG, email: [email protected]
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EEG source connectivity analysis: from dense array recordings to brain networks
M Hassan, O Dufor, I Merlet, C Berrou, F Wendling
PloS one 9 (8), e105041, 2014
Electroencephalography source connectivity: aiming for high resolution of brain networks in time and space
M Hassan, F Wendling
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 35 (3), 81-96, 2018
The dynamic functional core network of the human brain at rest
A Kabbara, W El Falou, M Khalil, F Wendling, M Hassan
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2936, 2017
Better pregnancy monitoring using nonlinear correlation analysis of external uterine electromyography
M Hassan, J Terrien, C Muszynski, A Alexandersson, C Marque, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 60 (4), 1160-1166, 2012
Combination of canonical correlation analysis and empirical mode decomposition applied to denoising the labor electrohysterogram
M Hassan, S Boudaoud, J Terrien, B Karlsson, C Marque
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (9), 2441-2447, 2011
Functional connectivity disruptions correlate with cognitive phenotypes in Parkinson's disease
M Hassan, L Chaton, P Benquet, A Delval, C Leroy, L Plomhause, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 14, 591-601, 2017
Dynamic reorganization of functional brain networks during picture naming
M Hassan, P Benquet, A Biraben, C Berrou, O Dufor, F Wendling
Cortex 73, 276-288, 2015
Identification of interictal epileptic networks from dense-EEG
M Hassan, I Merlet, A Mheich, A Kabbara, A Biraben, A Nica, F Wendling
Brain topography 30, 60-76, 2017
Comparison between approximate entropy, correntropy and time reversibility: Application to uterine electromyogram signals
M Hassan, J Terrien, C Marque, B Karlsson
Medical engineering & physics 33 (8), 980-986, 2011
EEGNET: An open source tool for analyzing and visualizing M/EEG connectome
M Hassan, M Shamas, M Khalil, W El Falou, F Wendling
PloS one 10 (9), e0138297, 2015
Decreased integration of EEG source-space networks in disorders of consciousness
J Rizkallah, J Annen, J Modolo, O Gosseries, P Benquet, S Mortaheb, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 23, 101841, 2019
Reduced integration and improved segregation of functional brain networks in Alzheimer’s disease
A Kabbara, H Eid, W El Falou, M Khalil, F Wendling, M Hassan
Journal of neural engineering 15 (2), 026023, 2018
A new algorithm for spatiotemporal analysis of brain functional connectivity
A Mheich, M Hassan, M Khalil, C Berrou, F Wendling
Journal of neuroscience methods 242, 77-81, 2015
Brain network similarity: methods and applications
A Mheich, F Wendling, M Hassan
Network Neuroscience 4 (3), 507-527, 2020
SimiNet: a novel method for quantifying brain network similarity
A Mheich, M Hassan, M Khalil, V Gripon, O Dufor, F Wendling
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40 (9), 2238-2249, 2017
Functional brain connectivity as a new feature for P300 speller
A Kabbara, M Khalil, W El-Falou, H Eid, M Hassan
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146282, 2016
Quantitative performance analysis of four methods of evaluating signal nonlinearity: application to uterine EMG signals
A Diab, M Hassan, C Marque, B Karlsson
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Spatial analysis of uterine EMG signals: evidence of increased in synchronization with term
M Hassan, J Terrien, B Karlsson, C Marque
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Denoising of HD-sEMG signals using canonical correlation analysis
M Al Harrach, S Boudaoud, M Hassan, FS Ayachi, D Gamet, JF Grosset, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 55, 375-388, 2017
Performance analysis of four nonlinearity analysis methods using a model with variable complexity and application to uterine EMG signals
A Diab, M Hassan, C Marque, B Karlsson
Medical engineering & physics 36 (6), 761-767, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20