Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Wolfgang BelzigUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 7
Time asymmetry in weak measurements
K Franke, A Bednorz, W Belzig
Physica Scripta 2012 (T151), 014013, 2012
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Revealing channel polarization of atomic contacts of ferromagnets and strong paramagnets by shot-noise measurements
MW Prestel, M Strohmeier, W Belzig, E Scheer
Physical Review B 104 (11), 115434, 2021
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Non-Markovian quantum measurements in the non-invasive limit
J Buelte, A Bednorz, W Belzig
Physica Scripta 2015 (T165), 014002, 2015
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Correlations of weak quantum measurements in a non-Markovian detection scheme
J Buelte, A Bednorz, W Belzig
2015 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), 1-4, 2015
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Symmetrized and non-symmetrized noise from weak measurements in mesoscopic circuits
W Belzig, J Bülte, A Bednorz, C Bruder
2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), 1-3, 2017
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Reprint of: Full counting statistics of Majorana interferometers
G Strübi, W Belzig, TL Schmidt, C Bruder
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 82, 333-339, 2016
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Entanglement, Bunching, and Counting Statistics
C Bruder, W Belzig
Perspectives Of Mesoscopic Physics: Dedicated to Yoseph Imry's 70th Birthday …, 2010
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation
Disponibili pubblicamente: 183
Benzenedithiol: a broad-range single-channel molecular conductor
Y Kim, T Pietsch, A Erbe, W Belzig, E Scheer
Nano letters 11 (9), 3734-3738, 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Nonlocal Thermoelectric Effects and Nonlocal Onsager relations in a Three-Terminal<? format?> Proximity-Coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet Device
P Machon, M Eschrig, W Belzig
Physical review letters 110 (4), 047002, 2013
Mandati: German Research Foundation
General boundary conditions for quasiclassical theory of superconductivity in the diffusive limit: application to strongly spin-polarized systems
M Eschrig, A Cottet, W Belzig, J Linder
New Journal of Physics 17 (8), 083037, 2015
Mandati: German Research Foundation, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research …
Density of states and supercurrent in diffusive SNS junctions: Roles of nonideal interfaces and spin-flip scattering
JC Hammer, JC Cuevas, FS Bergeret, W Belzig
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (6), 064514, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Spin-dependent boundary conditions for isotropic superconducting Green’s functions
A Cottet, D Huertas-Hernando, W Belzig, YV Nazarov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (18), 184511, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Phonon-assisted current noise in molecular junctions
F Haupt, T Novotný, W Belzig
Physical review letters 103 (13), 136601, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Exchange-enhanced ultrastrong magnon-magnon coupling in a compensated ferrimagnet
L Liensberger, A Kamra, H Maier-Flaig, S Geprägs, A Erb, ...
Physical review letters 123 (11), 117204, 2019
Mandati: German Research Foundation, Research Council of Norway
Super-Poissonian shot noise of squeezed-magnon mediated spin transport
A Kamra, W Belzig
Physical review letters 116 (14), 146601, 2016
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Circuit theory of crossed Andreev reflection
JP Morten, A Brataas, W Belzig
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (21), 214510, 2006
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Gilbert damping phenomenology for two-sublattice magnets
A Kamra, RE Troncoso, W Belzig, A Brataas
Physical Review B 98 (18), 184402, 2018
Mandati: German Research Foundation, Research Council of Norway
Microwave spectroscopy reveals the quantum geometric tensor of topological Josephson matter
RL Klees, G Rastelli, JC Cuevas, W Belzig
Physical Review Letters 124 (19), 197002, 2020
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Antiferromagnetic magnons as highly squeezed Fock states underlying quantum correlations
A Kamra, E Thingstad, G Rastelli, RA Duine, A Brataas, W Belzig, ...
Physical Review B 100 (17), 174407, 2019
Mandati: German Research Foundation, Research Council of Norway
Elementary events of electron transfer in a voltage-driven quantum point contact
M Vanević, YV Nazarov, W Belzig
Physical Review Letters 99 (7), 076601, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
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