Michael Dougherty
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MINERVA-DM: A memory processes model for judgments of likelihood.
MRP Dougherty, CF Gettys, EE Ogden
Psychological Review 106 (1), 180, 1999
Diagnostic hypothesis generation and human judgment.
RP Thomas, MR Dougherty, AM Sprenger, J Harbison
Psychological review 115 (1), 155, 2008
Psychological plausibility of the theory of probabilistic mental models and the fast and frugal heuristics.
MR Dougherty, AM Franco-Watkins, R Thomas
Psychological review 115 (1), 199, 2008
Hypothesis generation, probability judgment, and individual differences in working memory capacity
MRP Dougherty, JE Hunter
Acta psychologica 113 (3), 263-282, 2003
Probability judgment and subadditivity: The role of working memory capacity and constraining retrieval
MRP Dougherty, J Hunter
Memory & cognition 31 (6), 968-982, 2003
Training working memory: Limits of transfer
AM Sprenger, SM Atkins, DJ Bolger, JI Harbison, JM Novick, ...
Intelligence 41 (5), 638-663, 2013
Reevaluating the effectiveness of n-back training on transfer through the Bayesian lens: Support for the null
MR Dougherty, T Hamovitz, JW Tidwell
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 23, 306-316, 2016
The adolescent brain: Learning, reasoning, and decision making.
VF Reyna, SB Chapman, MR Dougherty, JE Confrey
American Psychological Association, 2012
The role of mental simulation in judgments of likelihood
MRP Dougherty, CF Gettys, RP Thomas
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 70 (2), 135-148, 1997
Using the past to predict the future
MR Dougherty, P Scheck, TO Nelson, L Narens
Memory & cognition 33, 1096-1115, 2005
Integration of the ecological and error models of overconfidence using a multiple-trace memory model.
MRP Dougherty
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (4), 579, 2001
Role of memory in air traffic control.
SD Gronlund, DD Ohrt, MRP Dougherty, JL Perry, CA Manning
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 4 (3), 263, 1998
Cognitive and working memory training: Perspectives from psychology, neuroscience, and human development
JM Novick, MF Bunting, MR Dougherty, RW Engle
Oxford University Press, 2020
When decision heuristics and science collide
EC Yu, AM Sprenger, RP Thomas, MR Dougherty
Psychonomic bulletin & review 21, 268-282, 2014
Citation counts and journal impact factors do not capture some indicators of research quality in the behavioural and brain sciences
MR Dougherty, Z Horne
Royal Society Open Science 9 (8), 220334, 2022
Making research evaluation more transparent: Aligning research philosophy, institutional values, and reporting
MR Dougherty, LR Slevc, JA Grand
Perspectives on Psychological Science 14 (3), 361-375, 2019
Reasoning in the Monty Hall problem: Examining choice behaviour and probability judgements
A Franco-Watkins, P Derks, M Dougherty
Thinking & Reasoning 9 (1), 67-90, 2003
Motivated to retrieve: How often are you willing to go back to the well when the well is dry?
MR Dougherty, J Harbison
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (6), 1108, 2007
Measuring working memory is all fun and games
SM Atkins, AM Sprenger, GJH Colflesh, TL Briner, JB Buchanan, ...
Experimental Psychology, 2014
Memory as a fundamental heuristic for decision making
MRP Dougherty, SD Gronlund, CF Gettys
Emerging perspectives on judgment and decision research, 125-164, 2003
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20