Huge excitonic effects in layered hexagonal boron nitride B Arnaud, S Lebègue, P Rabiller, M Alouani
Physical review letters 96 (2), 026402, 2006
491 2006 Implementation of an all-electron GW approximation based on the projector augmented wave method without plasmon pole approximation: Application to Si, SiC, AlAs, InAs, NaH, and KH S Lebègue, B Arnaud, M Alouani, PE Bloechl
Physical Review B 67 (15), 155208, 2003
265 2003 All-electron projector-augmented-wave approximation: Application to the electronic properties of semiconductors B Arnaud, M Alouani
Physical Review B 62 (7), 4464, 2000
137 2000 Coherent Phonon Coupling to Individual Bloch States in Photoexcited Bismuth E Papalazarou, J Faure, J Mauchain, M Marsi, A Taleb-Ibrahimi, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (25), 256808, 2012
113 2012 Calculated quasiparticle and optical properties of orthorhombic and cubic S Lebegue, B Arnaud, M Alouani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (8), 085103, 2005
113 2005 Local-field and excitonic effects in the calculated optical properties of semiconductors from first-principles B Arnaud, M Alouani
Physical Review B 63 (8), 085208, 2001
106 2001 Electron-hole excitations in Mg 2 Si and Mg 2 Ge compounds B Arnaud, M Alouani
Physical Review B 64 (3), 033202, 2001
82 2001 Entropy driven atomic motion in laser-excited bismuth Y Giret, A Gellé, B Arnaud
Physical Review Letters 106 (15), 155503, 2011
80 2011 Crystal structure of the pressure-induced metallic phase of SiH4 from ab initio theory DY Kim, RH Scheicher, S Lebègue, J Prasongkit, B Arnaud, M Alouani, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (43), 16454-16459, 2008
76 2008 Direct observation of electron thermalization and electron-phonon coupling in photoexcited bismuth J Faure, J Mauchain, E Papalazarou, M Marsi, D Boschetto, I Timrov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (7), 075120, 2013
73 2013 Pressure-induced simultaneous metal-insulator and structural-phase transitions in LiH: A quasiparticlestudy S Lebègue, M Alouani, B Arnaud, WE Pickett
Europhysics Letters 63 (4), 562, 2003
58 2003 Electron cooling and debye-waller effect in photoexcited bismuth B Arnaud, Y Giret
Physical Review Letters 110 (1), 016405, 2013
52 2013 Arnaud, lebègue, rabiller, and alouani reply B Arnaud, S Lebègue, P Rabiller, M Alouani
Physical Review Letters 100 (18), 189702, 2008
45 2008 Multipole electron-density modelling of synchrotron powder diffraction data: the case of diamond H Svendsen, J Overgaard, R Busselez, B Arnaud, P Rabiller, A Kurita, ...
Foundations of Crystallography 66 (4), 458-469, 2010
42 2010 Anisotropic thermal expansion of bismuth from first principles B Arnaud, S Lebègue, G Raffy
Physical Review B 93 (9), 094106, 2016
39 2016 Mean-field solution of the Hubbard model: the magnetic phase diagram Y Claveau, B Arnaud, S Di Matteo
European Journal of Physics 35 (3), 035023, 2014
33 2014 Observation of large multiple scattering effects in ultrafast electron diffraction on monocrystalline silicon I González Vallejo, G Gallé, B Arnaud, SA Scott, MG Lagally, D Boschetto, ...
Physical Review B 97 (5), 054302, 2018
30 2018 Electronic and optical properties of α, γ, and β phases of MgH2: A first-principles GW investigation C Moyses Araujo, S Lebègue, O Eriksson, B Arnaud, M Alouani, R Ahuja
Journal of applied physics 98 (9), 2005
28 2005 Excitonic and quasiparticle lifetime effects on silicon electron energy loss spectra from first principles B Arnaud, S Lebegue, M Alouani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (3), 035308, 2005
28 2005 Structurally induced insulator-metal transition in solid oxygen: A quasiparticle investigation DY Kim, S Lebègue, CM Araújo, B Arnaud, M Alouani, R Ahuja
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (9), 092104, 2008
22 2008