Rossano Gaeta
Rossano Gaeta
Full Professor, Computer Science, Università di Torino
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GreatSPN 1.7: Graphical editor and analyzer for timed and stochastic Petri nets
G Chiola, G Franceschinis, R Gaeta, M Ribaudo
Performance evaluation 24 (1-2), 47-68, 1995
On the fly Gaussian elimination for LT codes
V Bioglio, M Grangetto, R Gaeta, M Sereno
IEEE Communications Letters 13 (12), 953-955, 2009
Parametric fault tree for the dependability analysis of redundant systems and its high-level Petri net semantics
A Bobbio, G Franceschinis, R Gaeta, L Portinale
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29 (3), 270-287, 2003
Generalized probabilistic flooding in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
R Gaeta, M Sereno
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 22 (12), 2055-2062, 2011
Analysis of PPLive through active and passive measurements
S Spoto, R Gaeta, M Grangetto, M Sereno
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 1-7, 2009
Analysis of resource transfers in peer-to-peer file sharing applications using fluid models
R Gaeta, M Gribaudo, D Manini, M Sereno
Performance Evaluation 63 (3), 149-174, 2006
Efficient discrete-event simulation of colored Petri nets
R Gaeta
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 22 (9), 629-639, 1996
Smart broadcast of warning messages in vehicular ad hoc networks
CF Chiasserini, E Fasolo, R Furiato, R Gaeta, M Garetto, M Gribaudo, ...
Workshop Interno Progetto NEWCOM (NoE), 2005
Sequential application of heterogeneous models for the safetyanalysis of a control system: a case study
A Bobbio, E Ciancamerla, G Franceschinis, R Gaeta, M Minichino, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 81 (3), 269-280, 2003
Fluid models for large-scale wireless sensor networks
CF Chiasserini, R Gaeta, M Garetto, M Gribaudo, D Manini, M Sereno
Performance Evaluation 64 (7-8), 715-736, 2007
Exploiting rateless codes in cloud storage systems
C Anglano, R Gaeta, M Grangetto
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (5), 1313-1322, 2014
Band codes for energy-efficient network coding with application to P2P mobile streaming
A Fiandrotti, V Bioglio, M Grangetto, R Gaeta, E Magli
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 16 (2), 521-532, 2013
Exploiting Petri nets to support fault tree based dependability analysis
A Bobbio, G Franceschinis, R Gaeta, L Portinale
Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models …, 1999
Efficient broadcasting of safety messages in multihop vehicular networks
CF Chiasserini, R Gaeta, M Garetto, M Gribaudo, M Sereno
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
A simple analytical framework to analyze search strategies in large-scale peer-to-peer networks
R Gaeta, G Balbo, S Bruell, M Gribaudo, M Sereno
Performance Evaluation 62 (1-4), 1-16, 2005
A measurement study supporting p2p file-sharing community models
R Bolla, R Gaeta, A Magnetto, M Sciuto, M Sereno
Computer Networks 53 (4), 485-500, 2009
Rateless codes network coding for simple and efficient P2P video streaming
M Grangetto, R Gaeta, M Sereno
2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1500-1503, 2009
Turinstream: a totally push, robust, and efficient p2p video streaming architecture
A Magnetto, R Gaeta, M Grangetto, M Sereno
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 12 (8), 901-914, 2010
Identification of malicious nodes in peer-to-peer streaming: A belief propagation-based technique
R Gaeta, M Grangetto
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (10), 1994-2003, 2012
A symbolic simulation mechanism for well-formed coloured Petri nets
G Chiola, G Franceschinis, R Gaeta
Annual Simulation Symposium, 192-201, 1992
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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