Sunita Desai
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Association between availability of a price transparency tool and outpatient spending
S Desai, LA Hatfield, AL Hicks, ME Chernew, A Mehrotra
Jama 315 (17), 1874-1881, 2016
Consequences of the 340B drug pricing program
S Desai, JM McWilliams
New England Journal of Medicine 378 (6), 539-548, 2018
Do celebrity endorsements matter? Observational study of BRCA gene testing and mastectomy rates after Angelina Jolie’s New York Times editorial
S Desai, AB Jena
Bmj 355, 2016
Offering a price transparency tool did not reduce overall spending among California public employees and retirees
S Desai, LA Hatfield, AL Hicks, AD Sinaiko, ME Chernew, D Cowling, ...
Health affairs 36 (8), 1401-1407, 2017
International normalized ratio stability in warfarin-experienced patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
WW Nelson, S Desai, CV Damaraju, L Lu, LE Fields, P Wildgoose, ...
American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 15, 205-211, 2015
Effects of real-time prescription benefit recommendations on patient out-of-pocket costs: a cluster randomized clinical trial
SM Desai, AZ Chen, J Wang, WY Chung, J Stadelman, C Mahoney, ...
JAMA Internal Medicine 182 (11), 1129-1137, 2022
Adherence to a federal hospital price transparency rule and associated financial and marketplace factors
W Haque, M Ahmadzada, S Janumpally, E Haque, H Allahrakha, S Desai, ...
JAMA 327 (21), 2143-2145, 2022
Online Advertising Increased New Hampshire Residents’ Use Of Provider Price Tool But Not Use Of Lower-Price Providers: Study examines results of online advertising campaign to …
SM Desai, S Shambhu, A Mehrotra
Health Affairs 40 (3), 521-528, 2021
Validation of EHR medication fill data obtained through electronic linkage with pharmacies
S Blecker, S Adhikari, H Zhang, JA Dodson, SM Desai, L Anzisi, L Pazand, ...
Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy 27 (10), 1482-1487, 2021
Who uses a price transparency tool? Implications for increasing consumer engagement
RA Gourevitch, S Desai, AL Hicks, LA Hatfield, ME Chernew, A Mehrotra
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing …, 2017
The 340B Drug Pricing Program and Hospital Provision of Uncompensated Care
S Desai, JM McWilliams
The American journal of managed care 27 (10), 432, 2021
International normalized ratio stabilization in newly initiated warfarin patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
WW Nelson, S Desai, CV Damaraju, L Lu, LE Fields, P Wildgoose, ...
Current medical research and opinion 30 (12), 2437-2442, 2014
The Role of Financial Incentives in Biosimilar Uptake in Medicare: Evidence from the 340B Program: Study examines the role of financial incentives in the uptake of biosimilar …
AM Bond, EB Dean, SM Desai
Health Affairs 42 (5), 632-641, 2023
Assessment of US pharmacies contracted with health care institutions under the 340B Drug Pricing Program by neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics
JK Lin, P Li, JA Doshi, SM Desai
JAMA Health Forum 3 (6), e221435-e221435, 2022
Impact of Medicaid prescription copayments on use of antipsychotics and other medications in patients with schizophrenia
JA Doshi, P Li, S Desai, SC Marcus
Journal of Medical Economics 20 (12), 1252-1260, 2017
The role of interoperability in hospital digitization: Network effects and information blocking
S Desai
NYU School of Medicine working paper, 2016
Do celebrity endorsements matter? Observational study of BRCA gene testing and mastectomy rates after Angelina Jolie’s
S Desai, AB Jena
New York Times, i6357, 2016
What are the potential savings from steering patients to lower-priced providers? a static analysis
SM Desai, LA Hatfield, AL Hicks, ME Chernew, A Mehrotra, AD Sinaiko
Am J Manag Care 25 (7), e204-e210, 2019
Identifying high-value care for Medicare beneficiaries: a cross-sectional study of acute care hospitals in the USA
J Herrin, H Yu, AK Venkatesh, SM Desai, CL Thiel, Z Lin, SM Bernheim, ...
BMJ open 12 (3), e053629, 2022
Does Medicaid coverage of Medicare cost sharing affect physician care for dual‐eligible Medicare beneficiaries?
ET Roberts, SM Desai
Health Services Research 56 (3), 528-539, 2021
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