Matilde Santos Peñas
Matilde Santos Peñas
Full Professor of Computer Science and Physics, Complutense University of Madrid
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Intelligent fuzzy controller of a quadrotor
M Santos, V López, F Morata
IEEE Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering Conf (ISKE), 141-146, 2010
Intelligent UAV Map Generation and Discrete Path Planning for Search and Rescue Operations
V San Juan, M Santos, JM Andújar
Complexity 2018 (Article ID 6879419), 1-17, 2018
Un enfoque aplicado del control inteligente
M Santos
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAII 8 (4 …, 2011
Modelado y Simulación de un Sistema Conjunto de Energía Solar y Eólica para Analizar su Dependencia de la Red Eléctrica
M Mikati, M Santos, C Armenta
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 9 (3 …, 2012
Intelligent rudder control of an unmanned surface vessel
J Menoyo Larrazabal, M Santos Peñas
Expert Systems with Applications 55, 106-117, 2016
SCADA data for wind turbine data-driven condition/performance monitoring: A review on state-of-art, challenges and future trends
R Pandit, D Astolfi, J Hong, D Infield, M Santos
Wind Engineering 47 (2), 422-441, 2023
Fuzzy logic steering control of autonomous vehicles inside roundabouts
J Pérez-Rastelli, M Santos
Applied Soft Computing 35, 662-669, 2015
Electric grid dependence on the configuration of a small-scale wind and solar power hybrid system
M Mikati, M Santos, C Armenta
Renewable Energy 57, 587-593, 2013
Modelling and control of floating offshore wind turbines
M Tomás-Rodríguez, M Santos
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 16 (4), 381-390, 2019
Digital image sensor-based assessment of the status of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Crops after frost damage
A Macedo-Cruz, G Pajares, M Santos, I Villegas-Romero
Sensors 11 (6), 6015-6036, 2011
Redes neuronales y aprendizaje por refuerzo en el control de turbinas eólicas
JE Sierra-García, M Santos
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 18 (4), 327-335, 2021
Dyna-H: A heuristic planning reinforcement learning algorithm applied to role-playing game strategy decision systems
M Santos, JA Martín H, V López, G Botella
Knowledge-Based Systems 32, 28-36, 2012
Improving Wind Turbine Pitch Control by Effective Wind Neuro-Estimators
JE Sierra-García, M Santos
IEEE Access 9, 10413-10425, 2021
Modelling engineering systems using analytical and neural techniques: Hybridization
JE Sierra, M Santos
Neurocomputing 271, 70-83, 2018
A fuzzy decision system for money investment in stock markets based on fuzzy candlesticks pattern recognition
R Naranjo, M Santos
Expert Systems with Applications 133, 34-48, 2019
New version of Davies-Bouldin index for clustering validation based on cylindrical distance
JCR Thomas, MS Peñas, M Mora
2013 32nd International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2013
Deep learning and fuzzy logic to implement a hybrid wind turbine pitch control
JE Sierra-Garcia, M Santos
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (13), 10503-10517, 2022
Wind turbine pitch reinforcement learning control improved by PID regulator and learning observer
JE Sierra-Garcia, M Santos, R Pandit
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 111, 104769, 2022
Control of a cryogenic process using a fuzzy PID scheduler
M Santos, AL Dexter
Control Engineering Practice 10 (10), 1147-1152, 2002
Fuzzy modeling of stock trading with fuzzy candlesticks
R Naranjo, J Arroyo, M Santos
Expert Systems with Applications 93, 15-27, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20