Oyita Udiani
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Citata da
Dynamics of a single species evolutionary model with Allee effects
Y Kang, O Udiani
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 418 (1), 492-515, 2014
Identifying robustness in the regulation of collective foraging of ant colonies using an interaction-based model with backward bifurcation
O Udiani, N Pinter-Wollman, Y Kang
Journal of theoretical biology 367, 61-75, 2015
How disease constrains the evolution of social systems
O Udiani, NH Fefferman
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1932), 20201284, 2020
A generic arboviral model framework for exploring trade-offs between vector control and environmental concerns
GP Suarez, O Udiani, BF Allan, C Price, SJ Ryan, E Lofgren, A Coman, ...
Journal of Theoretical Biology 490, 110161, 2020
How territoriality reduces disease transmission among social insect colonies
N Lemanski, M Silk, N Fefferman, O Udiani
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75, 1-13, 2021
A study of gravity-linked metapopulation models for the spatial spread of dengue fever
M Sarzynska, O Udiani, N Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.4589, 2013
The effect of social preferences on the evolution of cooperation in public good games
MA Janssen, M Manning, O Udiani
Advances in Complex Systems 17 (03n04), 1450015, 2014
Pandemics and issues of equity
NA Jessup, JA Wolfe, O Udiani, CA Kalinec-Craig
Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 113 (10), e58-e59, 2020
Seasonality in multi-host disease systems
D Nguyen, T Wakhare, J Jiao, K Myers, O Udiani, NH Fefferman
Ecological Modelling 470, 109973, 2022
Consequences of Traceable Mobility in Populations Exhibiting Strong Allee Effect
B Espinoza, Y Kang, O Udiani
Epi-SCIENCE 1 (1), 2023
MSIS-Udiani: Tactics and Trade-offs: The Evolution of Host Resource Provisioning in Microbiome Management
O Udiani, N Fefferman
Modeling demographic seasonality in multi-host disease systems
D Nguyen, T Wakhare, K Myers, O Udiani, N Fefferman
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
On the evolutionary stability of male harassment in a coercive mating game
O Udiani, Y Lou, I Hamilton
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 47 (1), 2016
A Novel Approach to Study Task Organization in Animal Groups
O Udiani
Arizona State University, 2016
Conditional behavior affects the level of evolved cooperation in public good games
MA Janssen, M Manning, O Udiani
Ticks, Deer, Mice, and a Touch of Sensitivity: A Recipe for Controlling Lyme Disease
M Jastrebski, J Ponce, D Burkow, O Udiani, DL Arriola
arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.2190, 2013
Stability Analysis of Male Aggression Levels in a Coercive Mating Model
OBC Udiani
The Ohio State University, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–17