Paula Florencia Zermoglio
Paula Florencia Zermoglio
Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural, UNRN-CONICET
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What does heat tell a mosquito? Characterization of the orientation behaviour of Aedes aegypti towards heat sources
PF Zermoglio, E Robuchon, MS Leonardi, F Chandre, CR Lazzari
Journal of insect physiology 100, 9-14, 2017
Improving Darwin Core for research and management of alien species
Q Groom, P Desmet, L Reyserhove, T Adriaens, D Oldoni, ...
Pensoft, 2019
The importance of digitized biocollections as a source of trait data and a new VertNet resource
RP Guralnick, PF Zermoglio, J Wieczorek, R LaFrance, D Bloom, ...
Database 2016, baw158, 2016
Thermosensation and the TRPV channel in Rhodnius prolixus
PF Zermoglio, JM Latorre-Estivalis, JE Crespo, MG Lorenzo, CR Lazzari
Journal of Insect Physiology 81, 145-156, 2015
Developing Standards for Improved Data Quality and for Selecting Fit for Use Biodiversity Data.
AD Chapman, L Belbin, PF Zermoglio, J Wieczorek, PJ Morris, M Nicholls, ...
Rhodnius prolixus smells repellents: behavioural evidence and test of present and potential compounds inducing repellency in Chagas disease vectors
PF Zermoglio, H Martin-Herrou, Y Bignon, CR Lazzari
Journal of insect physiology 81, 137-144, 2015
Georeferencing quick reference guide
PF Zermoglio, AD Chapman, JR Wieczorek, MC Luna, DA Bloom
GBIF Secretariat, Copenhagen, 2020
A standardized reference data set for vertebrate taxon name resolution
PF Zermoglio, RP Guralnick, JR Wieczorek
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146894, 2016
Data standardization of plant–pollinator interactions
JA Salim, AM Saraiva, PF Zermoglio, K Agostini, M Wolowski, DP Drucker, ...
GigaScience 11, giac043, 2022
Enhanced fertility and chill tolerance after cold-induced reproductive arrest in females of temperate species of the Drosophila buzzatii complex
J Mensch, J Hurtado, PF Zermoglio, G de la Vega, C Rolandi, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (4), 713-721, 2017
How to design multifunctional landscapes?
LA Garibaldi, PF Zermoglio, EG Jobbágy, L Andreoni, A Ortiz de Urbina, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (12), 2521-2527, 2023
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide. Copenhagen: GBIF Secretariat
PF Zermoglio, AD Chapman, JR Wieczorek, MC Luna, DA Bloom
Arthropod prey availability and breeding of the threatened Strange-tailed Tyrant (Alectrurus risora)
PF Zermoglio, AS Di Giacomo, AG Di Giacomo, MK Castelo
Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2016
Endothermy in the temperate scarab Cyclocephala signaticollis
PF Zermoglio, MK Castelo, CR Lazzari
Journal of insect physiology 108, 10-16, 2018
Integrating ABCD and DarwinCore: Toward a better foundation for biodiversity information standards
S Blum, K Barker, SJ Baskauf, WG Berendsohn, PL Buttigieg, M Döring, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3, e37491, 2019
Plant-pollinator Vocabulary: a Contribution to Interaction Data Standardization
JA Salim, P Zermoglio, D Drucker, F Soares, A Saraiva, K Agostini, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 5, 2021
Unity in Variety: Developing a collection description standard by consensus
M Woodburn, DL Paul, W Addink, SJ Baskauf, S Blum, C Chapman, ...
Task group 2–Data quality tests and assertions
L Belbin, A Chapman, J Wieczorek, PJ Morris, P Zermoglio
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 4, e58982, 2020
Linked Open Biodiversity Data (LOBD): A semantic application for integrating biodiversity information
M Zárate, P Zermoglio, J Wieczorek, A Plos, R Mazzanti
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 4, e58975, 2020
Georeferencing Calculator Manual. Version 1.0.
DA Bloom, JR Wieczorek, PF Zermoglio
GBIF Secretariat, 2020
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Articoli 1–20