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2007 Inhomogeneous, disordered, and partially ordered systems-Two different incorporation sites of manganese in single-crystalline monohydrated L-asparagine studied by electron … K Krambrock, KJ Guedes, LO Ladeira, MJB Bezerra, TM Oliveira, ...
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2007 Ab intio calculations of the dynamical properties of'alfa'-Glycine and L-alanine HW Alves, EW Caetano, LMR Scolfaro, VN Freire, GA Farias, MZS Flores, ...
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2005 Band structure anisotropy effects on ultrafast electron transport in 6H‐SiC FF Maia Jr, MZ Flores, VN Freire, JAP da Costa, EF da Silva Jr
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2004 Ab initio calculations of the electronic structure and single excitations of'alfa'-glycine, L-alanine, and L-asparagine HW Alves, EWS Caetano, MZS Flores, JR Pinheiro, VN Freire, MTM Lamy, ...
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