Anna Mujal-Colilles
Anna Mujal-Colilles
Serra Húnter Lecturer at UPC-Barcelona Tech
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Erosion caused by propeller jets in a low energy harbour basin
A Mujal-Colilles, X Gironella, A Sanchez-Arcilla, C Puig Polo, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Research 55 (1), 121-128, 2017
COVID-19 impact on maritime traffic and corresponding pollutant emissions. The case of the Port of Barcelona
A Mujal-Colilles, JN Guarasa, J Fonollosa, T Llull, M Castells-Sanabra
Journal of environmental management 310, 114787, 2022
Study of the bed velocity induced by twin propellers
A Mujal-Colilles, X Gironella, AJC Crespo, A Sanchez-Arcilla
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 143 (5), 04017013, 2017
Stern twin-propeller effects on harbor infrastructures. Experimental analysis
A Mujal-Colilles, M Castells, T Llull, X Gironella, X Martínez de Osés
Water 10 (11), 1571, 2018
Coherent structures in oscillatory flows within the laminar-to-turbulent transition regime for smooth and rough walls
A Mujal-Colilles, KT Christensen, A Bateman, MH Garcia
Journal of Hydraulic Research 54 (5), 502-515, 2016
Estimating fishing effort from highly resolved geospatial data: Focusing on passive gears
T Mendo, G Glemarec, J Mendo, E Hjorleifsson, S Smout, S Northridge, ...
Ecological Indicators 154, 110822, 2023
A New Morphodynamic Instability Associated With Cross‐Shore Transport in the Nearshore
A Falqués, F Ribas, A Mujal‐Colilles, C Puig‐Polo
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (13), e2020GL091722, 2021
PIV experiments in rough-wall, laminar-to-turbulent, oscillatory boundary-layer flows
A Mujal-Colilles, JM Mier, KT Christensen, A Bateman, MH Garcia
Experiments in fluids 55, 1-19, 2014
Rhythmic morphology in a microtidal low-energy beach
A Mujal-Colilles, M Grifoll, A Falqués
Geomorphology 334, 151-164, 2019
Vortex rings impinging on permeable boundaries
A Mujal-Colilles, SB Dalziel, A Bateman
Physics of Fluids 27 (1), 2015
Twin propeller time-dependent scouring processes. Physical experiments
T Llull, A Mujal-Colilles, X Gironella
Ocean Engineering 236, 109461, 2021
Composite methodology to prevent ship propeller erosion
T Llull, A Mujal-Colilles, X Gironella
Ocean Engineering 195, 106751, 2020
Alternative manoeuvres to reduce ship scour
M Castells-Sanabra, A Mujal-Colilles, T LLull, J Moncunill, FXM de Osés, ...
The Journal of Navigation 74 (1), 125-142, 2021
Relationship between eroded volume and main scour hole dimensions near quay walls caused by internal counter-rotating twin-propellers
G Curulli, T Llull, N Penna, A Mujal-Colilles, X Gironella, ...
Ocean Engineering 259, 111744, 2022
Ship manoeuvre patterns to prevent propeller scouring effects
M Castells, A Mujal-Colilles, T Llull, X Gironella, FX Martínez de Osés, ...
PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama, 2018
Study of the efflux velocity induced by two propellers
A Mujal Colilles, X Gironella Cobos, A Jaquet, M Gómez Gesteira, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Short Course and Conference on Applied …, 2015
Tools for evaluation quay toe scouring induced by vessel propellers in harbour basins during the docking and undocking manoeuvring
M Castells, FXM De Osés, A Martín, A Mujal-Colilles, X Gironella
Safety of Sea Transportation, 61-66, 2017
Low-cost tracking system to infer fishing activity from small scale fisheries in Scotland
A Mujal-Colilles, T Mendo, R Swift, M James, S Crowe, P McCann
Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering, 129-134, 2022
Hybrid tool to prevent ship propeller erosion
T Llull, A Mujal-Colilles, M Castells, X Gironella, X Martínez de Osés, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 51333 …, 2018
Ship manoeuvring effects on propeller induced erosion
A Mujal Colilles, AI Llull Marroig, M Castells Sanabra, X Gironella Cobos, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of …, 2018
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