Hamilton ℓ-cycles in uniform hypergraphs D Kühn, R Mycroft, D Osthus
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 117 (7), 910-927, 2010
104 2010 A geometric theory for hypergraph matching P Keevash, R Mycroft
American Mathematical Society 233 (1098), 2015
101 2015 Loose Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs P Keevash, D Kühn, R Mycroft, D Osthus
Discrete Mathematics 311 (7), 544-559, 2011
91 2011 A proof of Sumner's universal tournament conjecture for large tournaments D Kühn, R Mycroft, D Osthus
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 102 (4), 731-766, 2011
52 2011 A multipartite Hajnal–Szemerédi theorem P Keevash, R Mycroft
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 114, 187-236, 2015
47 2015 Hamilton -cycles in randomly-perturbed hypergraphs A McDowell, R Mycroft
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04242, 2018
45 2018 Tight cycles and regular slices in dense hypergraphs P Allen, J Böttcher, O Cooley, R Mycroft
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 149, 30-100, 2017
41 2017 An approximate version of Sumnerʼs universal tournament conjecture D Kühn, R Mycroft, D Osthus
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 101 (6), 415-447, 2011
34 2011 Packing k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs R Mycroft
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 138, 60-132, 2016
30 2016 A random version of Sperner's theorem J Balogh, R Mycroft, A Treglown
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 128, 104-110, 2014
30 2014 Polynomial-time perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs P Keevash, F Knox, R Mycroft
Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2013
30 2013 Triangle-tilings in graphs without large independent sets J Balogh, A McDowell, T Molla, R Mycroft
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 27 (4), 449-474, 2018
16 2018 Hamilton cycles in quasirandom hypergraphs J Lenz, D Mubayi, R Mycroft
Random Structures & Algorithms 49 (2), 363-378, 2016
14 2016 Unavoidable trees in tournaments R Mycroft, T Naia
Random Structures & Algorithms 53 (2), 352-385, 2018
12 2018 Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs below the Dirac threshold F Garbe, R Mycroft
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 133, 153-210, 2018
11 2018 The minimum vertex degree for an almost-spanning tight cycle in a 3-uniform hypergraph O Cooley, R Mycroft
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05616, 2016
10 2016 Trees and tree-like structures in dense digraphs R Mycroft, T Naia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09201, 2020
7 2020 Spanning trees of dense directed graphs R Mycroft, T Naia
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 346, 645-654, 2019
7 2019 Contagious sets in a degree‐proportional bootstrap percolation process F Garbe, R Mycroft, A McDowell
Random Structures & Algorithms 53 (4), 638-651, 2018
7 2018 Lehel’s conjecture for 3-graphs F Garbe, R Lang, A Lo, R Mycroft, N Sanhueza-Matamala
preparation, 2021
6 2021