Hamparsum Bozdogan
Hamparsum Bozdogan
Professor of Statistics, The University of Tennessee
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Model selection and Akaike's information criterion (AIC): The general theory and its analytical extensions
H Bozdogan
Psychometrika 52 (3), 345-370, 1987
Akaike's information criterion and recent developments in information complexity
H Bozdogan
Journal of mathematical psychology 44 (1), 62-91, 2000
Mixture-model cluster analysis using model selection criteria and a new informational measure of complexity
H Bozdogan
Proceedings of the First US/Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical …, 1994
On the information-based measure of covariance complexity and its application to the evaluation of multivariate linear models
H Bozdogan
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 19 (1), 221-278, 1990
Choosing the number of component clusters in the mixture-model using a new informational complexity criterion of the inverse-Fisher information matrix
H Bozdogan
Information and Classification: Concepts, Methods and Applications …, 1993
ICOMP: A new model-selection criterion.
H Bozdogan
1. Conference of the international federation of classification societies …, 1987
A novel hybrid RBF neural networks model as a forecaster
O Akbilgic, H Bozdogan, ME Balaban
Statistics and Computing 24, 365-375, 2014
Multi-sample cluster analysis using Akaike’s information criterion
H Bozdogan, SL Sclove
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 36 (1), 163-180, 1984
Supply chain integrity: A key to sustainable supply chain management
VE Castillo, DA Mollenkopf, JE Bell, H Bozdogan
Journal of Business Logistics 39 (1), 38-56, 2018
Statistical data mining and knowledge discovery
H Bozdogan
CRC Press, 2003
Informational complexity criteria for regression models
H Bozdogan, DMA Haughton
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 28 (1), 51-76, 1998
Intelligent Statistical Data Mining with Information Complexity and Genetic Algorithms Hamparsum Bozdogan University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
H Bozdogan
Statistical data mining and knowledge discovery, 47-88, 2003
How is driving volatility related to intersection safety? A Bayesian heterogeneity-based analysis of instrumented vehicles data
B Wali, AJ Khattak, H Bozdogan, M Kamrani
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 92, 504-524, 2018
Model selection in multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) using information complexity as the fitness function
E Kartal Koc, H Bozdogan
Machine Learning 101, 35-58, 2015
Inference problems with equivalent models
LJ Williams, H Bozdogan, L Aiman-Smith
Advanced Structural Equation Modeling, 279-314, 2013
Ideal point discriminant analysis
Y Takane, H Bozdogan, T Shibayama
Psychometrika 52 (3), 371-392, 1987
Determining the number of component clusters in the standard multivariate normal mixture model using model-selection criteria
H Bozdogan
Chicago, IL, University of Illinois at Chicago, Quantitative Methods Department, 1983
A new class of information complexity (ICOMP) criteria with an application to customer profiling and segmentation
H Bozdogan
İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 39 (2), 370-398, 2010
Multi-sample cluster analysis as an alternative to multiple comparison procedures
H Bozdogan
Research Association of Statistical Sciences 22 (1/2), 95-130, 1986
Empirical econometric modelling of food consumption using a new informational complexity approach
PM Bearse, H Bozdogan, AM Schlottmann
Journal of Applied Econometrics 12 (5), 563-592, 1997
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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