Jônatas Manzolli
Jônatas Manzolli
Professor Titular, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp
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Vox populi: An interactive evolutionary system for algorithmic music composition
A Moroni, J Manzolli, FV Zuben, R Gudwin
Leonardo Music Journal 10, 49-54, 2000
Live soundscape composition based on synthetic emotions
KC Wassermann, K Eng, PFMJ Verschure, J Manzolli
IEEE MultiMedia 10 (4), 82-90, 2003
Digital instruments and their uses in music therapy
E Partesotti, A Peñalba, J Manzolli
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 27 (5), 399-418, 2018
Roboser: A real-world composition system
J Manzolli, PFMJ Verschure
Computer Music Journal, 55-74, 2005
Design for a brain revisited: the neuromorphic design and functionality of the interactive space'Ada'
K Eng, D Klein, A Babler, U Bernardet, M Blanchard, M Costa, T Delbrück, ...
Reviews in the Neurosciences 14 (1-2), 145-180, 2003
Ada-intelligent space: an artificial creature for the SwissExpo. 02
K Eng, A Babler, U Bernardet, M Blanchard, M Costa, T Delbruck, ...
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
The evolutionary sound synthesis method
J Manzolli, A Maia Jr, J Fornari, F Damiani
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 585-587, 2001
Disembodied and collaborative musical interaction in the multimodal brain orchestra
S Le Groux, J Manzolli, PF Verschure, M Sanchez, A Luvizotto, A Mura, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2010
The eXperience induction machine: a new paradigm for mixed-reality interaction design and psychological experimentation
U Bernardet, S Bermúdez i Badia, A Duff, M Inderbitzin, S Le Groux, ...
The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, 357-379, 2010
Vox populi: Evolutionary computation for music evolution
A Moroni, J Manzolli, F Von Zuben, R Gudwin
Creative evolutionary systems, 205-221, 2002
Auto-organização: um paradigma composicional
Auto organizacao: estudos interdisciplinares em filosofia, ciencias naturais …, 1996
An evolutionary approach applied to algorithmic composition
J Manzolli, A Moroni, F Von Zuben, R Gudwin
Proceedings of the VI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, 201-210, 1999
ArTbitration: Human-Machine Interaction in Artistic Domains
A Moroni, FV Zuben, J Manzolli
Leonardo 35 (2), 185-188, 2002
Application of an artificial immune system in a compositional timbre design technique
M Caetano, J Manzolli, FJ Von Zuben
Artificial Immune Systems: 4th International Conference, ICARIS 2005, Banff …, 2005
Ada: constructing a synthetic organism
K Eng, A Babler, U Bernardet, M Blanchard, A Briska, J Conradt, M Costa, ...
IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems 2, 1808-1813, 2002
Live soundscape composition based on synthetic emotions: Using music to communicate between an interactive exhibition and its visitors
K Wasserman, J Manzolli, K Eng, P Verschure
IEEE MultiMedia 10 (4), 82-90, 2003
Creating video art with evolutionary algorithms
T Chambel, L Correia, J Manzolli, GD Miguel, NAC Henriques, N Correia
Computers & Graphics 31 (6), 837-847, 2007
Interactive Control of Evolution Applied to Sound Synthesis.
MF Caetano, J Manzolli, FJ Von Zuben
FLAIRS, 51-56, 2005
Composing for dmis-entoa, music for intonaspacio
CR Mamedes, A Rodrigues, MM Wanderley, J Manzolli, DHL Garcia, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2014
Roboser-An Autonomous Interactive Musical Composition System.
K Wassermann, M Blanchard, U Bernardet, J Manzolli, PFMJ Verschure
ICMC, 2000
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20