Paolo Galli
Paolo Galli
Senior Geologist - Dipartimento Protezione Civile, Roma, Italy
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Active tectonics in the central Apennines (Italy) – Input data for seismic hazard assessment
F Galadini, P Galli
Natural Hazards 22 (3), 225-268, 2000
New empirical relationships between magnitude and distance for liquefaction
P Galli
Tectonophysics 324 (3), 169-187, 2000
Twenty years of paleoseismology in Italy
P Galli, F Galadini, D Pantosti
Earth-Science Reviews 88 (1-2), 89-117, 2008
Paleoseismology of silent faults in the Central Apennines (Italy): the Mt. Vettore and Laga Mts. faults
F Galadini, P Galli
Annals of Geophysics 46 (5), 815-836, 2003
The Holocene paleoearthquakes on the 1915 Avezzano earthquake faults (central Italy): implications for active tectonics in the central Apennines
F Galadini, P Galli
Tectonophysics 308 (1-2), 143-170, 1999
The 2009 central Italy earthquake seen through 0.5 Myr-long tectonic history of the L’Aquila faults system
P Galli, B Giaccio, P Messina
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (27-28), 3768-3789, 2010
Paleoseismology along the Cittanova fault: implications for seismotectonics and earthquake recurrence in Calabria (southern Italy)
P Galli, V Bosi
J. geophys. Res 107 (10.10129), 1-19, 2002
The Paganica fault and surface coseismic ruptures caused by the 6 April 2009 earthquake (L'Aquila, central Italy)
E Falcucci, S Gori, E Peronace, G Fubelli, M Moro, M Saroli, B Giaccio, ...
Seismological Research Letters 80 (6), 940-950, 2009
Catastrophic 1638 earthquakes in Calabria (southern Italy): New insights from paleoseismological investigation
P Galli, V Bosi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B1), ETG 1-1-ETG 1-20, 2003
Unmasking the 1349 earthquake source (southern Italy): paleoseismological and archaeoseismological indications from the Aquae Iuliae fault
PAC Galli, JA Naso
Journal of Structural Geology 31 (2), 128-149, 2009
Palaeoseismology of the L'Aquila faults (central Italy, 2009, Mw 6.3 earthquake): implications for active fault linkage
PAC Galli, B Giaccio, P Messina, E Peronace, GM Zuppi
Geophysical Journal International 187 (3), 1119-1134, 2011
Il terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009 rilievo macrosismico, effetti di superficie ed implicazioni sismotettoniche
P Galli, R Camassi, R Azzaro, F Bernardini, S Castenetto, D Molin, ...
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 22 (2), 235-246, 2009
First integrated tephrochronological record for the last∼ 190 kyr from the Fucino Quaternary lacustrine succession, central Italy
B Giaccio, EM Niespolo, A Pereira, S Nomade, PR Renne, PG Albert, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 158, 211-234, 2017
Rapporto sugli effetti del terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009, Rapporto congiunto DPC-INGV, 12 pp
P Galli, R Camassi
Sito internet: http://portale. ingv. it/real-time-monitoring/quest …, 2009
Surface faulting in Norcia (central Italy): a “paleoseismological perspective”
P Galli, F Galadini, F Calzoni
Tectonophysics 403 (1-4), 117-130, 2005
The Macroseismic Intensity Distribution of the 30 October 2016 Earthquake in Central Italy (Mw 6.6): Seismotectonic Implications
P Galli, S Castenetto, E Peronace
Tectonics 36, 13, 2017
Hydrological variability over the Apennines during the Early Last Glacial precession minimum, as revealed by a stable isotope record from Sulmona basin, Central Italy
E Regattieri, B Giaccio, G Zanchetta, RN Drysdale, P Galli, S Nomade, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 30 (1), 19-31, 2015
Fault and basin depocentre migration over the last 2 Ma in the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake region, central Italian Apennines
B Giaccio, P Galli, P Messina, E Peronace, G Scardia, G Sottili, A Sposato, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 56, 69-88, 2012
Disruptive earthquakes revealed by faulted archaeological relics in Samnium (Molise, southern Italy)
P Galli, F Galadini
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (5), 2003
The late MIS 5 Mediterranean tephra markers: a reappraisal from peninsular Italy terrestrial records
B Giaccio, S Nomade, S Wulf, R Isaia, G Sottili, G Cavuoto, P Galli, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 56, 31-45, 2012
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Articoli 1–20