Fabrizio Marinelli
Fabrizio Marinelli
Assistant Professor (Promoted Associate Prof effective July 2025), Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
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PLUMED: A portable plugin for free-energy calculations with molecular dynamics
M Bonomi, D Branduardi, G Bussi, C Camilloni, D Provasi, P Raiteri, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (10), 1961-1972, 2009
Promoting transparency and reproducibility in enhanced molecular simulations
M Bonomi, G Bussi, C Camilloni, GA Tribello, P Banáš, A Barducci, ...
Nature methods 16 (8), 670-673, 2019
A kinetic model of trp-cage folding from multiple biased molecular dynamics simulations
F Marinelli, F Pietrucci, A Laio, S Piana
PLoS computational biology 5 (8), e1000452, 2009
Targeting biomolecular flexibility with metadynamics
V Leone, F Marinelli, P Carloni, M Parrinello
Current opinion in structural biology 20 (2), 148-154, 2010
Substrate binding mechanism of HIV-1 protease from explicit-solvent atomistic simulations
F Pietrucci, F Marinelli, P Carloni, A Laio
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (33), 11811-11818, 2009
Metadynamics convergence law in a multidimensional system
Y Crespo, F Marinelli, F Pietrucci, A Laio
Physical Review E 81 (5), 055701, 2010
METAGUI. A VMD interface for analyzing metadynamics and molecular dynamics simulations
X Biarnés, F Pietrucci, F Marinelli, A Laio
Computer Physics Communications 183 (1), 203-211, 2012
Mechanism of extracellular ion exchange and binding-site occlusion in a sodium/calcium exchanger
J Liao, F Marinelli, C Lee, Y Huang, JD Faraldo-Gómez, Y Jiang
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2016
Atomistic simulations indicate the c-subunit ring of the F1Fo ATP synthase is not the mitochondrial permeability transition pore
W Zhou, F Marinelli, C Nief, JD Faraldo-Gómez
eLife, 2017
Sodium recognition by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in the outward-facing conformation
F Marinelli, L Almagorb, R Hillerb, M Giladib, D Khananshvilib, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014
Ensemble-Biased Metadynamics: A Molecular Simulation Method to Sample Experimental Distributions
F Marinelli, JD Faraldo-Gómez
Biophysical Journal 108 (12), 2779-2782, 2015
Predicting the effect of a point mutation on a protein fold: the villin and advillin headpieces and their Pro62Ala mutants
S Piana, A Laio, F Marinelli, M Van Troys, D Bourry, C Ampe, JC Martins
Journal of molecular biology 375 (2), 460-470, 2008
Exploring the folding free energy landscape of insulin using bias exchange metadynamics
N Todorova, F Marinelli, S Piana, I Yarovsky
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (11), 3556-3564, 2009
Confidence Analysis of DEER Data and Its Structural Interpretation with Ensemble-Biased Metadynamics
EJ Hustedt, F Marinelli, RA Stein, JD Faraldo-Gómez, HS Mchaourab
Biophysical Journal 115, 1200–1216, 2018
Evidence for an allosteric mechanism of substrate release from membrane-transporter accessory binding proteins
F Marinelli, SI Kuhlmann, E Grell, HJ Kunte, C Ziegler, JD Faraldo-Gómez
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (49), E1285-E1292, 2011
Optimizing the performance of bias-exchange metadynamics: folding a 48-residue LysM domain using a coarse-grained model
P Cossio, F Marinelli, A Laio, F Pietrucci
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (9), 3259-3265, 2010
Molecular mechanisms of human P2X3 receptor channel activation and modulation by divalent cation bound ATP
M Li, Y Wang, R Banerjee, F Marinelli, S Silberberg, JD Faraldo-Gómez, ...
eLife 8, e47060, 2019
Two-state dynamics of the SH3–SH2 tandem of Abl kinase and the allosteric role of the N-cap
C Corbi-Verge, F Marinelli, A Zafra-Ruano, J Ruiz-Sanz, I Luque, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (36), E3372-E3380, 2013
Theoretical modeling of vibroelectronic quantum states in complex molecular systems: solvated carbon monoxide, a test case
A Amadei, F Marinelli, M D’Abramo, M D’Alessandro, M Anselmi, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (12), 124506, 2005
Interpretation of HDX Data by Maximum-Entropy Reweighting of Simulated Structural Ensembles
RT Bradshaw, F Marinelli, JD Faraldo-Gómez, LR Forrest
Biophysical Journal, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20