Elpídio Inácio Fernandes-Filho
Elpídio Inácio Fernandes-Filho
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Modelling and mapping soil organic carbon stocks in Brazil
LC Gomes, RM Faria, E de Souza, GV Veloso, CEGR Schaefer, ...
Geoderma 340, 337-350, 2019
Estimation of reference evapotranspiration in Brazil with limited meteorological data using ANN and SVM–A new approach
LB Ferreira, FF da Cunha, RA de Oliveira, EI Fernandes Filho
Journal of Hydrology 572, 556-570, 2019
QUANT. A software for plant disease severity assessment
FXR Vale, EI Fernandes Filho, JR Liberato
8th international congress of plant pathology 8, 105, 2003
Agroforestry systems can mitigate the impacts of climate change on coffee production: a spatially explicit assessment in Brazil
LC Gomes, F Bianchi, IM Cardoso, RBA Fernandes, EI Fernandes Filho, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 294, 106858, 2020
Genesis, properties and classification of Cryosols from Admiralty Bay, maritime Antarctica
FNB Simas, CEGR Schaefer, MR Albuquerque Filho, MR Francelino, ...
Geoderma 144 (1-2), 116-122, 2008
Crop NDVI monitoring based on sentinel 1
R Filgueiras, EC Mantovani, D Althoff, EI Fernandes Filho, FF Cunha
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1441, 2019
Simulating trends in soil organic carbon of an Acrisol under no-tillage and disc-plow systems using the Century model
LFC Leite, E de Sá Mendonça, PLO de Almeida Machado, ...
Geoderma 120 (3-4), 283-295, 2004
Adsorção de fósforo, superfície específica e atributos mineralógicos em solos desenvolvidos de rochas vulcânicas do Alto Paranaíba (MG)
FC Rolim Neto, C Schaefer, LM Costa, MM Corrêa, EI Fernandes Filho, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 28, 953-964, 2004
Vegetation cover of Brazil in the last 21 ka: New insights into the Amazonian refugia and Pleistocenic arc hypotheses
DM Arruda, CEGR Schaefer, RS Fonseca, RRC Solar, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (1), 47-56, 2018
The Physical Environment of Rupestrian Grasslands (Campos Rupestres) in Brazil: Geological, geomorphological and pedological characteristics, and interplays
CEGR Schaefer, GR Corrêa, HG Candido, DM Arruda, JA Nunes, ...
Reference quality values for heavy metals in soils from Espírito Santo State, Brazil
HS Paye, JWV Mello, WAP Abrahão, EI Fernandes Filho, LCP Dias, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 34, 2041-2051, 2010
Evaluation of erosion under agroforestry and conventional systems in Zona de Mata de Minas Gerais
FS Franco, L Couto, AF Carvalho, I Jucksch, EI Fernandes Filho, E Silva, ...
Revista Árvore 26, 751-760, 2002
Geomorphology and soils distribution under paraglacial conditions in an ice-free area of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
MR Francelino, CEGR Schaefer, FNB Simas, EI Fernandes Filho, ...
Catena 85 (3), 194-204, 2011
Chemistry, mineralogy and micropedology of highland soils on crystalline rocks of Serra da Mantiqueira, southeastern Brazil
FNB Simas, CEGR Schaefer, EI Fernandes Filho, AC Chagas, ...
Geoderma 125 (3-4), 187-201, 2005
Geoenvironments of the Ibitipoca State Park, Lima Duarte, Minas Gerais
HCT Dias, EI Fernandes Filho, CEGR Schaefer, LEF Fontes, LB Ventorim
Revista Árvore 26, 777-786, 2002
Evaluation of digital elevation models for application in a digital soil mapping
CS Chagas, EI Fernandes Filho, MF Rocha, W Carvalho Júnior, ...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 14, 218-226, 2010
Land use change drives the spatio-temporal variation of ecosystem services and their interactions along an altitudinal gradient in Brazil
LC Gomes, FJJA Bianchi, IM Cardoso, EI Fernandes Filho, RPO Schulte
Landscape Ecology 35, 1571-1586, 2020
Eficiência de utilização de nutrientes por cultivares de cafeeiro
JFT Amaral, HEP Martinez, BG Laviola, EI Fernandes Filho, CD Cruz
Ciência Rural 41, 621-629, 2011
Pedotransfer functions to estimate bulk density from soil properties and environmental covariates: Rio Doce basin
E Souza, EI Fernandes Filho, CEGR Schaefer, NH Batjes, GR Santos, ...
Scientia Agricola 73, 525-534, 2016
NUTRICALC 2.0-Sistema para cálculo del balance nutricional y recomendación de fertilizantes para el cultivo de eucalipto
NF Barros, RF Novais, JL Teixeira, EI Fernandes Filho
Bosque 16 (1), 129-131, 1995
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20