antonio volta
antonio volta
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Comparing solar radiation interception and use efficiency for the energy crops giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)
E Ceotto, M Di Candilo, F Castelli, FW Badeck, F Rizza, C Soave, A Volta, ...
Field Crops Research 149, 159-166, 2013
Asymmetries in symmetric quantum walks on two-dimensional networks
O Mülken, A Volta, A Blumen
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (4), 042334, 2005
Relaxation dynamics of a polymer network modeled by a multihierarchical structure
A Jurjiu, A Volta, T Beu
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
Monitoring energy transfer in hyperbranched macromolecules through fluorescence depolarization
A Blumen, A Volta, A Jurjiu, T Koslowski
Journal of luminescence 111 (4), 327-334, 2005
Quantum transport on two-dimensional regular graphs
A Volta, O Mülken, A Blumen
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (48), 14997, 2006
Energy transfer and trapping in regular hyperbranched macromolecules
A Blumen, A Volta, A Jurjiu, T Koslowski
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 356 (1), 12-18, 2005
Relaxation dynamics of perturbed regular hyperbranched fractals
A Volta, M Galiceanu, A Jurjiu
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (10), 105205, 2010
Quantum walks and trapping on regular hyperbranched fractals
A Volta
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (22), 225003, 2009
Theory and simulation of DNA charge transfer: From junctions to networks
T Cramer, A Volta, A Blumen, T Koslowski
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (42), 16586-16592, 2004
Growth of the perennial energy crop giant reed (Arundo donax L) simulated with ARMIDA, a modified version of the LINTUL model
A Volta, G Villani, V Marletto, E Ceotto
Revista Italiana di Agrometeorologia 34, 5-12, 2016
Dynamics on multilayered hyperbranched fractals through continuous time random walks
A Volta, M Galiceanu, A Jurjiu, T Gallo, L Gualandri
Modern Physics Letters B 26 (09), 1250055, 2012
Quantum transport on honeycomb networks
G Maquiné Batalha, A Volta, WT Strunz, M Galiceanu
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6896, 2022
FLEX/Sentinel-3 Tandem Mission Photosynthesis Study–An investigation of steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis in terrestrial vegetation
G Mohammed, A Ac, F Daumard, M Drusch, A Gallé, Y Goulas, F Magnani, ...
5th International workshop on remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence: 5th …, 2014
A library of climate adaptation measures in agriculture and their economic assessment
S De Leo, G Villani, A Di Fonzo, S Giuca, M Gaito, A Volta, A Vecchi, ...
Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA) 78 (1), 97-104, 2023
GIS, mechanistic modelling and ontology: a performing mix for precision and sustainable viticulture
B Bois, A Volta, M Rega, A Caffarra, F Costa, G Antolini, F Tomei, ...
37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 1-10, 2014
Thermal collapse of snowflake fractals
T Gallo, A Jurjiu, F Biscarini, A Volta, F Zerbetto
Chemical Physics Letters 543, 82-85, 2012
ARMIDA: modello di accrescimento per colture perenni da energia. calibrazione e validazione su canna comune (Arundo donax L.)
A Volta, G Villani, E Ceotto, M Di Candilo, V Marletto
Italian Journal of Agrometeorology, Atti del XV Convegno Nazionale di …, 2012
ARMIDA: Arundo and Miscanthus Crop Growth Simulation Model.
A Volta, G Villani, V Marletto, M Di Candilo, E Ceotto
Proceedings of 20th European Biomass Conference and Exibition, 18-22 June …, 2012
Classical and quantum dynamics on hyperbranched networks
A Volta
Freiburg (Breisgau), Univ., Diss., 2009, 2009
Inclusion of biochar hydrological properties in a C dynamic model with field data
M Caterina Vaccari, S Pesce, E Balugani, A Volta
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-5371, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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