Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Senior Researcher, CNRS/IN2P3, IP2I Lyon
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Dark matter benchmark models for early LHC run-2 searches: report of the ATLAS/CMS dark matter forum
D Abercrombie, N Akchurin, E Akilli, JA Maestre, B Allen, BA Gonzalez, ...
Physics of the Dark Universe 27, 100371, 2020
The minimal set of electroweak precision parameters
G Cacciapaglia, C Csaki, G Marandella, A Strumia
Physical Review D 74 (3), 033011, 2006
Model-independent framework for searches of top partners
M Buchkremer, G Cacciapaglia, A Deandrea, L Panizzi
Nuclear Physics B 876 (2), 376-417, 2013
Second wave COVID-19 pandemics in Europe: a temporal playbook
G Cacciapaglia, C Cot, F Sannino
Scientific reports 10 (1), 15514, 2020
Curing the ills of Higgsless models: The parameter and unitarity
G Cacciapaglia, C Csaki, C Grojean, J Terning
Physical Review D 71 (3), 035015, 2005
Fundamental composite (goldstone) Higgs dynamics
G Cacciapaglia, F Sannino
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (4), 1-26, 2014
Anatomy of the inert two-Higgs-doublet model in the light of the LHC and non-LHC dark matter searches
A Belyaev, G Cacciapaglia, IP Ivanov, F Rojas-Abatte, M Thomas
Physical Review D 97 (3), 035011, 2018
A GIM mechanism from extra dimensions
G Cacciapaglia, C Csáki, J Galloway, G Marandella, J Terning, A Weiler
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (04), 006, 2008
Heavy vector-like top partners at the LHC and flavour constraints
G Cacciapaglia, A Deandrea, L Panizzi, N Gaur, D Harada, Y Okada
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (3), 1-45, 2012
Oblique corrections from Higgsless models in warped space
G Cacciapaglia, C Csaki, C Grojean, J Terning
Physical Review D 70 (7), 075014, 2004
Fundamental composite dynamics: A review
G Cacciapaglia, C Pica, F Sannino
Physics Reports 877, 1-70, 2020
Bounds and decays of new heavy vector-like top partners
G Cacciapaglia, A Deandrea, D Harada, Y Okada
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (11), 1-33, 2010
A dark matter candidate from Lorentz invariance in 6D
G Cacciapaglia, A Deandrea, J Llodra-Perez
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (3), 1-37, 2010
Di-boson signatures as standard candles for partial compositeness
A Belyaev, G Cacciapaglia, H Cai, G Ferretti, T Flacke, A Parolini, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (1), 1-61, 2017
Mining Google and Apple mobility data: Temporal anatomy for COVID-19 social distancing
C Cot, G Cacciapaglia, F Sannino
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4150, 2021
Composite scalars at the LHC: the Higgs, the Sextet and the Octet
G Cacciapaglia, H Cai, A Deandrea, T Flacke, SJ Lee, A Parolini
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (11), 1-40, 2015
Fully radiative electroweak symmetry breaking
G Cacciapaglia, C Csáki, SC Park
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 (03), 099, 2006
A new custodian for a realistic Higgsless model
G Cacciapaglia, C Csaki, G Marandella, J Terning
Physical Review D 75 (1), 015003, 2007
The gaugephobic higgs
G Cacciapaglia, G Marandella, J Terning, C Csáki
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (02), 036, 2007
Fundamental composite electroweak dynamics: status at the LHC
A Arbey, G Cacciapaglia, H Cai, A Deandrea, S Le Corre, F Sannino
Physical Review D 95 (1), 015028, 2017
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