Ulrich Achleitner
Ulrich Achleitner
Medical Electronics
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A fast and compact quantum random number generator
T Jennewein, U Achleitner, G Weihs, H Weinfurter, A Zeilinger
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (4), 1675-1680, 2000
The effects of repeated doses of vasopressin or epinephrine on ventricular fibrillation in a porcine model of prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation
U Achleitner, V Wenzel, HU Strohmenger, AC Krismer, KG Lurie, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 90 (5), 1067-1075, 2000
The beneficial effect of basic life support on ventricular fibrillation mean frequency and coronary perfusion pressure
U Achleitner, V Wenzel, HU Strohmenger, KH Lindner, MA Baubin, ...
Resuscitation 51 (2), 151-158, 2001
The efficacy of epinephrine or vasopressin for resuscitation during epidural anesthesia
AC Krismer, QH Hogan, V Wenzel, KH Lindner, U Achleitner, S Oroszy, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 93 (3), 734-742, 2001
Fibrillation power, an alternative method of ECG spectral analysis for prediction of countershock success in a porcine model of ventricular fibrillation
FA Hamprecht, U Achleitner, AC Krismer, KH Lindner, V Wenzel, ...
Resuscitation 50 (3), 287-296, 2001
Analysing ventricular fibrillation ECG-signals and predicting defibrillation success during cardiopulmonary resuscitation employing N (α)-histograms
A Amann, U Achleitner, H Antretter, JO Bonatti, AC Krismer, KH Lindner, ...
Resuscitation 50 (1), 77-85, 2001
The prediction of defibrillation outcome using a new combination of mean frequency and amplitude in porcine models of cardiac arrest
A Amann, K Rheinberger, U Achleitner, AC Krismer, W Lingnau, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 95 (3), 716-722, 2002
Algorithms to analyze ventricular fibrillation signals
A Amann, K Rheinberger, U Achleitner
Current opinion in critical care 7 (3), 152-156, 2001
Waveform analysis of biphasic external defibrillators
U Achleitner, K Rheinberger, B Furtner, A Amann, M Baubin
Resuscitation 50 (1), 61-70, 2001
Waveforms of external defibrillators: analysis and energy contribution
U Achleitner, A Amann, M Stoffaneller, M Baubin
Resuscitation 41 (2), 193-200, 1999
Effects of vasopressin on left ventricular anterior descending artery blood flow during extremely low cardiac output
VD Mayr, AC Krismer, V Wenzel, H Antretter, JO Bonatti, U Achleitner, ...
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 28 (12), A165-A165, 2000
An alternative method of ECG spectral analysis for improved prediction of countershock success in a porcine model of ventricular fibrillation
FA Hamprecht, U Achleitner, AC Krismer, KH Lindner, V Wenzel, ...
CIRCULATION 102 (18), 436-436, 2000
N (alpha) vs. mean frequency analysis to predict successful defibrillation in a porcine model of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
A Amann, J Rieder, U Achleitner, M Baubin, H Antretter, JO Bonatti, ...
CIRCULATION 102 (18), 437-437, 2000
Corrigendum to “Waveforms of external defibrillators: analysis and energy contribution”:[Resuscitation 1999; 41: 193–200]
U Achleitner, A Amann, M Stoffaneller, M Baubin
Resuscitation 44 (2), 139, 2000
Probability of defibrillation success combining frequency and amplitude in porcine models of cardiac arrest
K Rheinberger, U Achleitner, AC Krismer, W Lingnau, KH Lindner, ...
European Journal of Anaesthesiology (EJA) 19 (3), 216, 2002
Mean ventricular fibrillation frequency may assess CPR efficacy by estimating mean arterial pressure
U Achleitner, V Wenzel, HU Strohmenger, KH Lindner, H Baubin, ...
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 28 (12), A164-A164, 2000
Waveform analysis of biphasic external defibrillators
K Rheinberger, U Achleitner, A Amann, M Baubin
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 28 (12), A69-A69, 2000
Defibrillation success, but not defibrillation threshold, improves with increased heart perfusion
U Achleitner, J Schrader, V Mayr, V Wenzel, HU Strohmenger, KH Lindner, ...
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 28 (12), A165-A165, 2000
CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA-(Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists)-The Effects of Repeated Doses of Vasopressin or Epinephrine on Ventricular Fibrillation in a Porcine …
U Achleitner, V Wenzel, HU Strohmenger, AC Krismer, KG Lurie, ...
Anesthesia and Analgesia 90 (5), 1067-1075, 2000
A test of the Bell inequality equations with independent observers; Ein Test der Bellschen Ungleichungen mit unabhaengigen Beobachtern
G Weihs, U Achleitner, T Jennewein, H Weinfurter, A Zeilinger
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20