Rebecca K. Fox, Ph.D.
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Do professional development schools (PDSs) make a difference? A comparative study of PDS and non-PDS teacher candidates
S Castle, RK Fox, KOH Souder
Journal of teacher education 57 (1), 65-80, 2006
Benefits of foreign language learning and bilingualism: An analysis of published empirical research 2012–2019
R Fox, O Corretjer, K Webb
Foreign Language Annals 52 (4), 699-726, 2019
Culture, multiculturalism, and foreign/world language standards in US teacher preparation programs: Toward a discourse of dissonance
RK Fox, R Diaz‐Greenberg
European journal of teacher education 29 (3), 401-422, 2006
The Purposes, Practices, and Professionalism of Teacher Reflectivity: Insights for twenty-first-century teachers and students
ST Collier, D Cristol, S Dean, NF Dana, DH Foss, RK Fox, NP Gallavan, ...
R&L Education, 2010
Program portfolios: Documenting teachers’ growth in reflection‐based inquiry
RK Fox, CS White, JK Kidd
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 17 (1), 149-167, 2011
Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through program portfolios
RK Fox, LS Muccio, CS White, J Tian
European Journal of Teacher Education 38 (2), 154-179, 2015
Pre-service teacher preparation for international settings
J Levy, R Fox
The SAGE handbook of research in international education, 275-297, 2015
Does professional development school preparation make a difference? A comparison of three teacher candidate studies.
S Castle, RK Fox, C Fuhrman
School-University Partnerships 3 (2), 58-68, 2009
Preventing teacher failure: Six keys to success in moving beyond the" sink or swim" mentality
CA Strawn, RK Fox, L Duck
The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 81 …, 2008
Moving beyond reflection in a hall of mirrors: developing critical reflective capacity in teachers and teacher educators
RK Fox, S Dodman, N Holincheck
Reflective Practice 20 (3), 367-382, 2019
Benefits of foreign language learning and bilingualism: An analysis of published empirical research 2005–2011
R Fox, O Corretjer, K Webb, J Tian
Foreign Language Annals 52 (3), 470-490, 2019
Investigating teachers’ professional learning in an advanced Master’s degree programme
CS White, RK Fox, JP Isenberg
European Journal of Teacher Education 34 (4), 387-405, 2011
Supporting teachers' development of cultural competence through teacher research
A Wiseman, RK Fox
Action in Teacher Education 32 (4), 26-37, 2010
The power of perspectives: Building a cross-cultural community of learners
JP Osterling, RK Fox
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 7 (6), 489-505, 2004
The master's degree in education as teacher professional development: Re-envisioning the role of the academy in the development of practicing teachers
G Galluzzo, JP Isenberg, SC White, RK Fox
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012
Capturing the process of critical reflective teaching practices through e-portfolios
AP Samaras, RK Fox
Professional Development in Education 39 (1), 23-41, 2013
Delving into Teachers' Development through Portfolio Reflections: Case Studies of Three Teachers.
R Fox, S White, J Kidd, G Ritchie
International journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning 2 (1), n1, 2008
This is who I am: The role of the professional development portfolio in foreign and second language preservice teacher education
RK Fox
George Mason University, 1999
Teacher development during advanced master's coursework and impact on their learning 1 year later
D Banville, CS White, RK Fox
Physical Educator 71 (4), 558, 2014
How teacher research can become your way of being
CA Lassonde, GV Ritchie, RK Fox
Teachers taking action: A comprehensive guide to teacher research, 3-14, 2008
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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