Maysa Macedo
Maysa Macedo
Researcher, IBM Research
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Three-dimensional synthetic blood vessel generation using stochastic L-systems
MA Galarreta-Valverde, MMG Macedo, C Mekkaoui, MP Jackowski
Medical Imaging 2013: Image Processing 8669, 86691I, 2013
A bifurcation identifier for IV-OCT using orthogonal least squares and supervised machine learning
MMG Macedo, WVN Guimarães, MZ Galon, CK Takimura, PA Lemos, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 46, 237-248, 2015
Automatic Citrus Tree Detection from UAV Images based on Convolutional Neural Networks
M Zortea, MMG Macedo, AB Mattos, BC Ruga, BH Gemignani
Workshop of industry at Conference on Graphic, Patterns and Images, 2018
A robust fully automatic lumen segmentation method for in vivo intracoronary optical coherence tomography
MMG Macedo, CK Takimura, PA Lemos, MA Gutierrez
Research on Biomedical Engineering 32 (1), 35-43, 2016
Generalization of Convolutional LSTM Models for Crop Area Estimation
MMG de Macedo, AB Mattos, DAB Oliveira
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Coronary calcification identification in optical coherence tomography using convolutional neural networks
DAB Oliveira, MMG Macedo, P Nicz, C Campos, P Lemos, MA Gutierrez
Medical Imaging 2018: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and …, 2018
Vessel centerline tracking in cta and mra images using hough transform
MMG Macedo, C Mekkaoui, MP Jackowski
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2010
Using hough transform as an auxiliary technique for vickers hardness measurement
M Macedo, VB Mendes, A Conci, FR Leta
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and …, 2006
A centerline-based estimator of vessel bifurcations in angiography images
MMG Macedo, MA Galarreta-Valverde, C Mekkaoui, MP Jackowski
SPIE Medical Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, edited …, 2013
Practical Skills Demand Forecasting via Representation Learning of Temporal Dynamics
MM Garcia de Macedo, W Clarke, E Lucherini, T Baldwin, D Queiroz Neto, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 285-294, 2022
Identificando Influências na Escolha de uma Graduaç ao em Exatas: um Estudo Qualitativo e Comparativo de Gênero
MMG Macedo, AB Mattos, M Vasconcelos, A Martinazzo, R Lopes
Women in Technology - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018
Uso da Transformada de Hough na Vetorização de Moldes e outras Aplicações
MMG de Macedo
Master’s thesis, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, 2005
Spatial-Frequency Approach to Fibrous Tissue Classification in Intracoronary Optical Images
MMG Macedo, PFG Nicz, CM Campos, PA Lemos, MA Gutierrez
Computing in Cardiology, 2016
CAD of Cardiovascular Diseases
MMG Macedo, AG Santiago, RA Moreno, MS Rebelo, MA Gutierrez
Medical Image Analysis and Informatics, 175-216, 2017
Classification of bifurcations regions in IVOCT images using support vector machine and artificial neural network models
CDN Porto, CFF Costa Filho, MMG Macedo, MA Gutierrez, MGF Costa
Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 10134, 1132-1144, 2017
Flexible transaction validation
MMG de Macedo, AP Appel, PS de Lucena, M Ito
US Patent 11,188,521, 2021
Experimental Analysis of Citrus Tree Classification from UAV Images
FK Kobayashi, AB Mattos, BH Gemignani, MMG Macedo
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 32-327, 2019
An automatic labeling bifurcation method for intracoronary optical coherence tomography images
MMG Macedo, CK Takimura, PA Lemos, MA Gutierrez
SPIE Medical Imaging, 94170S-94170S-7, 2015
Determination of the pubertal growth spurt by artificial intelligence analysis of cervical vertebrae maturation in lateral cephalometric radiographs
F Nogueira-Reis, D Cascante-Sequeira, A Farias-Gomes, ...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, S2212-4403 …, 2024
Direct Sampling for Spatially Variable Extreme Event Generation in Resampling‐Based Stochastic Weather Generators
J Guevara, M Garcia, P Avegliano, D Lima, D Queiroz, M Macedo, L Tizzei, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15 (11), e2022MS003542, 2023
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