Luke C Evans
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Predicting population responses to environmental change from individual-level mechanisms: towards a standardized mechanistic approach
ASA Johnston, RJ Boyd, JW Watson, A Paul, LC Evans, EL Gardner, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1913), 20191916, 2019
Associations between COVID-19 transmission rates, park use, and landscape structure
TF Johnson, LA Hordley, MP Greenwell, LC Evans
Science of the total environment 789, 148123, 2021
Vertically transmitted rhabdoviruses are found across three insect families and have dynamic interactions with their hosts
B Longdon, JP Day, N Schulz, PT Leftwich, MA De Jong, CJ Breuker, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1847), 20162381, 2017
Over-Winter Survival and Nest Site Selection of the West-European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Arable Dominated Landscapes
LE Bearman-Brown, PJ Baker, D Scott, A Uzal, L Evans, RW Yarnell
Animals 10 (9), 1449, 2020
Phenological responses in a sycamore–aphid–parasitoid system and consequences for aphid population dynamics: A 20 year case study
VL Senior, LC Evans, SR Leather, TH Oliver, KL Evans
Global change biology 26 (5), 2814-2828, 2020
The importance of including habitat-specific behaviour in models of butterfly movement
LC Evans, RM Sibly, P Thorbek, I Sims, TH Oliver, RJ Walters
Oecologia 193, 249-259, 2020
Integrating the influence of weather into mechanistic models of butterfly movement
LC Evans, RM Sibly, P Thorbek, I Sims, TH Oliver, RJ Walters
Movement Ecology 7, 1-10, 2019
Effect of park use and landscape structure on COVID-19 transmission rates
TF Johnson, LA Hordley, MP Greenwell, LC Evans
MedRxiv, 2020.10. 20.20215731, 2020
Historical and current patterns of gene flow in the butterfly Pararge aegeria
L Livraghi, R Vodă, LC Evans, M Gibbs, V Dincă, PWH Holland, ...
Journal of Biogeography 45 (7), 1628-1639, 2018
Local adaptation to climate anomalies relates to species phylogeny
Y Melero, LC Evans, M Kuussaari, R Schmucki, C Stefanescu, DB Roy, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 143, 2022
Mechanisms matter: Predicting the ecological impacts of global change
VL Boult, LC Evans
Global Change Biology 27 (9), 1689-1691, 2021
Quantifying the effectiveness of agri-environment schemes for a grassland butterfly using individual-based models
LC Evans, RM Sibly, P Thorbek, I Sims, TH Oliver, RJ Walters
Ecological Modelling 411, 108798, 2019
Comparing non-invasive surveying techniques for elusive, nocturnal mammals: a case study of the West European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
LE Bearman-Brown, LE Wilson, LC Evans, PJ Baker
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 69 (3), 20075.1, 2020
Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour
LC Evans, TH Oliver, I Sims, MP Greenwell, Y Melero, A Watson, ...
Animal Behaviour 169, 23-33, 2020
Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: insights from a niche‐based approach
LC Evans, Y Melero, R Schmucki, PH Boersch‐Supan, L Brotons, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (12), 3271-3284, 2023
Bioclimatic context of species' populations determines community stability
LC Evans, Y Melero, R Schmucki, PH Boersch‐Supan, L Brotons, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (8), 1542-1555, 2022
Behavior underpins the predictive power of a trait‐based model of butterfly movement
LC Evans, RM Sibly, P Thorbek, I Sims, TH Oliver, RJ Walters
Ecology and Evolution 10 (7), 3200-3208, 2020
Characterizing the trophy hunting debate on Twitter
LC Evans, MP Greenwell, VL Boult, TF Johnson
Conservation Biology 37 (4), e14070, 2023
Population links between an insectivorous bird and moths disentangled through national‐scale monitoring data
LC Evans, MD Burgess, SG Potts, WE Kunin, TH Oliver
Ecology Letters 27 (1), e14362, 2024
Data on the movement behaviour of four species of grassland butterfly
LC Evans, I Sims, RM Sibly, P Thorbek, TH Oliver, RJ Walters
Data in brief 27, 104611, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20