Marco Mucciarelli
Marco Mucciarelli
OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Applicata
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Reliability and applicability of Nakamura's technique using microtremors: an experimental approach
M Mucciarelli
Journal of earthquake engineering 2 (04), 625-638, 1998
A critical review of 10 years of microtremor HVSR technique
M Mucciarelli, MR Gallipoli
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 42 (3-4), 255-266, 2001
The AlpArray seismic network: a large-scale European experiment to image the Alpine Orogen
G Hetényi, I Molinari, J Clinton, G Bokelmann, I Bondár, WC Crawford, ...
Surveys in geophysics 39, 1009-1033, 2018
Empirical estimate of fundamental frequencies and damping for Italian buildings
MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli, M Vona
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 38 (8), 973-988, 2009
Empirical estimates of dynamic parameters on a large set of European buildings
MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli, B Šket-Motnikar, P Zupanćić, A Gosar, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 8, 593-607, 2010
Proposal for a soil classification based on parameters alternative or complementary to Vs,30
L Luzi, R Puglia, F Pacor, MR Gallipoli, D Bindi, M Mucciarelli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 1877-1898, 2011
Structure, soil–structure response and effects of damage based on observations of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios of microtremors
MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli, RR Castro, G Monachesi, P Contri
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (6), 487-495, 2004
Analysis of RC building dynamic response and soil-building resonance based on data recorded during a damaging earthquake (Molise, Italy, 2002)
M Mucciarelli, A Masi, MR Gallipoli, P Harabaglia, M Vona, F Ponzo, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (5), 1943-1953, 2004
S-wave site-response estimates using horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios
RR Castro, M Mucciarelli, F Pacor, C Petrungaro
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (1), 256-260, 1997
Comparison of Site Classification from VS30, VS10, and HVSR in Italy
MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (1), 340-351, 2009
The stability of the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio of triggered noise and earthquake recordings
M Mucciarelli, MR Gallipoli, M Arcieri
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 93 (3), 1407-1412, 2003
Analysis and modeling of HVSR in the presence of a velocity inversion: the case of Venosa, Italy
D Di Giacomo, MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli, S Parolai, SM Richwalski
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (6), 2364-2372, 2005
Detection of directivity in seismic site response from microtremor spectral analysis
V Del Gaudio, S Coccia, J Wasowski, MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (4), 751-762, 2008
Analysis of non-stationary structural systems by using a band-variable filter
R Ditommaso, M Mucciarelli, FC Ponzo
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 10, 895-911, 2012
Selection of natural and synthetic accelerograms for seismic vulnerability studies on reinforced concrete frames
A Masi, M Vona, M Mucciarelli
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 (3), 367-378, 2011
A quick survey of local amplifications and their correlation with damage observed during the Umbro-Marchesan (Italy) earthquake of September 26, 1997
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2 (2), 325-337, 1998
Evaluation and considerations about fundamental periods of damaged reinforced concrete buildings
R Ditommaso, M Vona, MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (7), 1903-1912, 2013
The influence of wind on measurements of seismic noise
M Mucciarelli, MR Gallipoli, D Di Giacomo, F Di Nota, E Nino
Geophysical Journal International 161 (2), 303-308, 2005
Seismic hazard estimates using ill-defined macroseismic data at site
D Albarello, M Mucciarelli
pure and applied geophysics 159, 1289-1304, 2002
Comparison between Vs30 and other estimates of site amplification in Italy
M Mucciarelli, MR Gallipoli
First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 1-7, 2006
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Articoli 1–20