Evgenia Echkina
Evgenia Echkina
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Unlimited ion acceleration by radiation pressure
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, TZ Esirkepov, IN Inovenkov, M Kando, ...
Physical review letters 104 (13), 135003, 2010
Ultrarelativistic electron generation during the intense, ultrashort laser pulse interaction with clusters
Y Fukuda, Y Akahane, M Aoyama, Y Hayashi, T Homma, N Inoue, ...
Physics Letters A 363 (1-2), 130-135, 2007
Esirkepov, IN Inovenkov, M. Kando, F. Pegoraro, and G. Korn
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, T Zh
Phys. Rev. Lett 104 (135003), 10, 2010
Foliation and mixing of the electron drift-kinetic distribution function in nonlinear two-dimensional magnetic reconnection
TV Liseikina, F Pegoraro, EY Echkina
Physics of plasmas 11 (7), 3535-3545, 2004
Dependence of the ion energy on the parameters of the laser pulse and target in the radiation-pressure-dominated regime of acceleration
EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov, TZ Esirkepov, F Pegoraro, M Borghesi, ...
Plasma physics reports 36, 15-29, 2010
Current sheet formation in three-dimensional magnetic configurations
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov, F Pegoraro
Physics of Plasmas 9 (9), 3835-3850, 2002
On the structural stability of magnetic configurations with two null lines
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov, F Pegoraro, VV Pichushkin
Physics of Plasmas 6 (3), 802-815, 1999
Propagation of the high power laser pulse in multicomponent cluster targets
EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov, TZ Esirkepov, Y Fukuda, J Koga, SV Bulanov
Laser physics 19, 228-230, 2009
Developments in the theory of collisionless reconnection in magnetic configurations with a strong guide field
F Pegoraro, D Borgogno, F Califano, D Del Sarto, E Echkina, D Grasso, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 11 (5/6), 567-577, 2004
Mixing of the electron distribution function in nonlinear 2D magnetic reconnection
F Pegoraro, T Liseikina, E Yu Echkina
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 34 (3-5), 243-259, 2005
Application of parallel programming method for 3D MHD computer simulations of magnetic reconnection in plasma
DP Kostomarov, IN Inovenkov, EY Echkina, AV Leonenko, OA Pavlova, ...
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2003, 373-379, 2004
Structurally Unstable Magnetic Configurations in the Three-Dimensional Geometry.
DP Kostomarov, IN Inovenkov, EY Echkina, AV Leonenko, VV Pichushkin, ...
Doklady Physics 48 (5), 2003
Nonlinear drift-kinetic evolution of the electron distribution function in two-dimensional magnetic reconnection
F Pegoraro, T Liseikina, EY Echkina
Physica Scripta 2005 (T116), 88, 2005
Formation of current sheets in structurally stable and structurally unstable magnetic configurations with two null lines
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov, F Pegoraro, VV Pichushkin
Plasma Physics Reports 26, 560-574, 2000
Zh, Inovenkov IN, Kando M, Pegoraro F and Korn G 2010
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, T Esirkepov
Phys. Rev. Lett 104, 135003, 0
Моделирование магнитного перезамыкания в трехмерной геометрии
ДП Костомаров, ЕЮ Ечкина, ИН Иновенков, СВ Буланов
Математическое моделирование 21 (11), 3-15, 2009
The nonlinear dynamics of the business center in Beckmann's model
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 344 (1-2), 104-107, 2004
Three-dimensional MHD simulations of forced magnetic reconnection
SV Bulanov, EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov, F Pegoraro, VV Pichushkin
Plasma Physics Reports 27, 315-322, 2001
Application of the catastrophe theory in studying the magnetic reconnection process
DP Kostomarov, EY Echkina, IN Inovenkov
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 4, 135-143, 2012
Iu., Inovenkov IN, Esirkepov T. ZH., Pegoraro F., Borgezi M., Bulanov SV O zavisimosti e ‘nergii ionov ot parametrov lazernogo impul ‘sa i misheni v radiatcionno–dominantnom …
E Echkina
Fizika plazmy 36 (1), 17-32, 2010
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20