Seri Park
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A method for identifying rear-end collision risks using inductive loop detectors
C Oh, S Park, SG Ritchie
Accident Analysis & Prevention 38 (2), 295-301, 2006
Real-time traffic measurement from single loop inductive signatures
S Oh, SG Ritchie, C Oh
Transportation Research Record 1804 (1), 98-106, 2002
Inductive classifying artificial network for vehicle type categorization
C Sun, SG Ritchie, S Oh
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 18 (3), 161-172, 2003
Exploring the relationship between freeway speed variance, lane changing, and vehicle heterogeneity
S Park, SG Ritchie
83rd annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2004
Understanding impacts of aggressive driving on freeway safety and mobility: A multi-agent driving simulation approach
S Park, C Oh, Y Kim, S Choi, S Park
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 64, 377-387, 2019
Review of whole system simulation methodologies for assessing mobility as a service (Maas) as an enabler for sustainable urban mobility
M Muller, S Park, R Lee, B Fusco, GHA Correia
Sustainability 13 (10), 5591, 2021
Field investigation of advanced vehicle reidentification techniques and detector technologies-Phase 1
SG Ritchie, S Park, C Oh, C Sun
Use of Monte Carlo simulation for a sensitivity analysis of highway safety manual calibration factors
V Trieu, S Park, J McFadden
Transportation Research Record 2435 (1), 1-10, 2014
In-depth understanding of lane changing interactions for in-vehicle driving assistance systems
C Oh, J Choi, S Park
International journal of automotive technology 18, 357-363, 2017
Investigating the effects of daily travel time patterns on short-term prediction
C Oh, S Park
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 15 (7), 1263-1272, 2011
Analysis of sight distance, crash rate, and operating speed relationships for low-volume single-lane roundabouts in the United States
B Zirkel, S Park, J McFadden, M Angelastro, L McCarthy
Journal of transportation engineering 139 (6), 565-573, 2013
Innovative single-loop speed estimation model with advanced loop data
S Park, SG Ritchie
IET intelligent transport systems 4 (4), 232-243, 2010
Pavement skid number and horizontal curve safety
K Musey, S Park
Procedia Engineering 145, 828-835, 2016
Vulnerabilities of control systems in Internet of Things applications
V Radisavljevic-Gajic, S Park, D Chasaki
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (2), 1023-1032, 2017
Current State-of-Practice: Transportation for Patients with End Stage Renal Disease.
S Park, TM Kear
Nephrology Nursing Journal 44 (4), 2017
Anonymous vehicle tracking for real-time freeway and arterial street performance measurement
SG Ritchie, S Park, C Oh, STC Jeng, A Tok
Field investigation of advanced vehicle reidentification techniques and detector technologies
SG Ritchie, S Park, C Oh, C Sun
MOU 3008 Draft Final Report to California PATH, 2001
Operational Evaluation of Part‐Time Shoulder Use for Interstate 476 in the State of Pennsylvania
S Coffey, S Park
Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (1), 1724646, 2018
Application of locally weighted regression‐based approach in correcting erroneous individual vehicle speed data
H Rim, S Park, C Oh, J Park, G Lee
Journal of Advanced Transportation 50 (2), 180-196, 2016
Exploring aggressive driving behavior in Pennsylvania's Delaware Valley region
P McTish, S Park
Procedia engineering 145, 836-843, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20