Vera Sacristán
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Segmenting trajectories: A framework and algorithms using spatiotemporal criteria
M Buchin, A Driemel, M van Kreveld, V Sacristán
Journal of Spatial Information Science, 33-63, 2011
Opening the black box of energy throughputs in farm systems: A decomposition analysis between the energy returns to external inputs, internal biomass reuses and total inputs …
E Tello, E Galán, V Sacristán, G Cunfer, GI Guzmán, MG de Molina, ...
Ecological Economics 121, 160-174, 2016
Smallest color-spanning objects
M Abellanas, F Hurtado, C Icking, R Klein, E Langetepe, L Ma, B Palop, ...
European symposium on algorithms, 278-289, 2001
The farthest color Voronoi diagram and related problems
M Abellanas, F Hurtado, C Icking, R Klein, E Langetepe, L Ma, B Palop, ...
Abstracts 17th European Workshop Comput. Geom, 113-116, 2001
Widening the analysis of Energy Return on Investment (EROI) in agro-ecosystems: Socio-ecological transitions to industrialized farm systems (the Vallès County, Catalonia, c …
E Galán, R Padró, I Marco, E Tello, G Cunfer, GI Guzmán, MG De Molina, ...
Ecological Modelling 336, 13-25, 2016
A proposal for a workable analysis of Energy Return On Investment (EROI) in agroecosystems. Part I: Analytical approach
E Tello, E Galán, G Cunfer, G Guzmán, M Gonzalez de Molina, ...
IFF Social Ecology Working Papers 156, 1-110, 2015
Linear reconfiguration of cube-style modular robots
G Aloupis, S Collette, M Damian, ED Demaine, R Flatland, S Langerman, ...
Computational Geometry 42 (6-7), 652-663, 2009
Voronoi diagram for services neighboring a highway
M Abellanas, F Hurtado, V Sacristan, C Icking, L Ma, R Klein, ...
Information Processing Letters 86 (5), 283-288, 2003
On minimum-area hulls
EM Arkin, Y -J. Chiang, M Held, JSB Mitchell, V Sacristán, SS Skiena, ...
Algorithmica 21, 119-136, 1998
Distributed reconfiguration of 2D lattice-based modular robotic systems
F Hurtado, E Molina, S Ramaswami, V Sacristán
Autonomous Robots 38 (4), 383-413, 2015
On the reflexivity of point sets
EM Arkin, JSB Mitchell, SP Fekete, F Hurtado, M Noy, V Sacristán, ...
Discrete and Computational Geometry: The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift, 139-156, 2003
Proximity graphs: E, δ, Δ, χ and ω
P Bose, V Dujmović, F Hurtado, J Iacono, S Langerman, H Meijer, ...
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 22 (05), 439-469, 2012
Splitting a Delaunay triangulation in linear time
Chazelle, Devillers, Hurtado, Mora, Sacristan, Teillaud
Algorithmica 34, 39-46, 2002
Reconfiguration of Cube-Style Modular Robots Using O(logn) Parallel Moves
G Aloupis, S Collette, ED Demaine, S Langerman, V Sacristán, S Wuhrer
Algorithms and Computation: 19th International Symposium, ISAAC 2008, Gold …, 2008
Efficient constant-velocity reconfiguration of crystalline robots
G Aloupis, S Collette, M Damian, ED Demaine, R Flatland, S Langerman, ...
Robotica 29 (1), 59-71, 2011
Long proteins with unique optimal foldings in the HP model
O Aichholzer, D Bremner, ED Demaine, H Meijer, V Sacristán, M Soss
Computational geometry 25 (1-2), 139-159, 2003
Colored spanning graphs for set visualization
F Hurtado, M Korman, M van Kreveld, M Löffler, V Sacristán, A Shioura, ...
Computational Geometry 68, 262-276, 2018
Las encrucijadas estratégicas de la universidad pública española
A Corominas, V Sacristán
Small strictly convex quadrilateral meshes of point sets
D Bremner, F Hurtado, S Ramaswami, V Sacristán
Algorithmica 38, 317-339, 2004
Measuring regularity of convex polygons
R Chalmeta, F Hurtado, V Sacristán, M Saumell
Computer-Aided Design 45 (2), 93-104, 2013
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20