Karen V Kheruntsyan
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Superchemistry: dynamics of coupled atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates
DJ Heinzen, R Wynar, PD Drummond, KV Kheruntsyan
Physical Review Letters 84 (22), 5029, 2000
Yang-Yang thermodynamics on an atom chip
AH Van Amerongen, JJP Van Es, P Wicke, KV Kheruntsyan, ...
Physical Review Letters 100 (9), 090402, 2008
Pair correlations in a finite-temperature 1D Bose gas
KV Kheruntsyan, DM Gangardt, PD Drummond, GV Shlyapnikov
Physical review letters 91 (4), 040403, 2003
Coherent molecular solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
PD Drummond, KV Kheruntsyan, H He
Physical Review Letters 81 (15), 3055, 1998
Sub-poissonian fluctuations in a 1d bose gas: From the quantum quasicondensate to the strongly interacting regime
T Jacqmin, J Armijo, T Berrada, KV Kheruntsyan, I Bouchoule
Physical Review Letters 106 (23), 230405, 2011
Quantum-enhanced sensing based on time reversal of non-linear dynamics.
D Linnemann, H Strobel, W Muessel, J Schulz, RJ Lewis-Swan, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (1), 013001, 2016
Finite-temperature correlations and density profiles of an inhomogeneous interacting one-dimensional Bose gas
KV Kheruntsyan, DM Gangardt, PD Drummond, GV Shlyapnikov
Physical Review A 71 (5), 053615, 2005
Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage from an atomic to a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate
PD Drummond, KV Kheruntsyan, DJ Heinzen, RH Wynar
Physical Review A 65 (6), 063619, 2002
Probing three-body correlations in a quantum gas using the measurement of the third moment of density fluctuations
J Armijo, T Jacqmin, KV Kheruntsyan, I Bouchoule
Physical Review Letters 105 (23), 230402, 2010
Violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality with matter waves
KV Kheruntsyan, JC Jaskula, P Deuar, M Bonneau, GB Partridge, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (26), 260401, 2012
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations via dissociation of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate
KV Kheruntsyan, MK Olsen, PD Drummond
Physical Review Letters 95 (15), 150405, 2005
Mapping out the quasicondensate transition through the dimensional crossover from one to three dimensions
J Armijo, T Jacqmin, K Kheruntsyan, I Bouchoule
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (2), 021605, 2011
Sub-Poissonian number differences in four-wave mixing of matter waves
JC Jaskula, M Bonneau, GB Partridge, V Krachmalnicoff, P Deuar, ...
Physical Review Letters 105 (19), 190402, 2010
Ideal n-body correlations with massive particles
RG Dall, AG Manning, SS Hodgman, W RuGway, KV Kheruntsyan, ...
Nature Physics 9, 341, 2013
Nonlocal pair correlations in the one-dimensional Bose gas at finite temperature
P Deuar, AG Sykes, DM Gangardt, MJ Davis, PD Drummond, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 043619, 2009
Nonequilibrium dynamics of one-dimensional hard-core anyons following a quench: complete relaxation of one-body observables
TM Wright, M Rigol, MJ Davis, KV Kheruntsyan
Physical Review Letters 113 (5), 050601, 2014
Spatial nonlocal pair correlations in a repulsive 1D Bose gas
AG Sykes, DM Gangardt, MJ Davis, K Viering, MG Raizen, ...
Physical Review Letters 100 (16), 160406, 2008
Canonical Bose gas simulations with stochastic gauges
PD Drummond, P Deuar, KV Kheruntsyan
Physical Review Letters 92 (4), 040405, 2004
Spontaneous four-wave mixing of de Broglie waves: Beyond optics
V Krachmalnicoff, JC Jaskula, M Bonneau, V Leung, GB Partridge, ...
Physical Review Letters 104 (15), 150402, 2010
Proposal for demonstrating the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect with matter waves
RJ Lewis-Swan, KV Kheruntsyan
Nature Communications 5, 3752, 2014
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