Sharon Koppman
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Different like me: Why cultural omnivores get creative jobs
S Koppman
Administrative Science Quarterly 61 (2), 291-331, 2016
Third-World “Sloggers” or Elite Global Professionals? Using Organizational Toolkits to Redefine Work Identity in Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing
S Koppman, E Mattarelli, A Gupta
Organization Science 27 (4), 825-845, 2016
Taking a Pass: How Proportional Prejudice and Decisions Not to Hire Reproduce Gender Segregation
MD Leung, S Koppman
American Journal of Sociology 124 (3), 762-813, 2018
Making art work: Creative assessment as boundary work
S Koppman
Poetics 46, 1-21, 2014
Who moves to the methodological edge? Factors that encourage scientists to use unconventional methods
S Koppman, E Leahey
Research Policy 48 (9), 103807, 2019
The joy of science: disciplinary diversity in emotional accounts
S Koppman, CL Cain, E Leahey
Science, Technology, & Human Values 40 (1), 30-70, 2015
Navigating the mutual knowledge problem: A comparative case study of distributed work
S Koppman, A Gupta
Information Technology & People 27 (1), 83-105, 2014
Towards building and analyzing a social network of acknowledgments in scientific and academic documents
M Khabsa, S Koppman, CL Giles
International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling …, 2012
In the eye of the beholder: The stratification of taste in a cultural industry
S Koppman
The Sociological Quarterly 56 (4), 665-694, 2015
Overcoming Conflict between Symmetric Occupations: How “Creatives” and “Suits” Use Gender Ordering in Advertising
S Koppman, B Bechky, AC Cohen
Academy of Management Journal, 2021
Will We Ever Meet Again? The Relationship between Inter‐Firm Managerial Migration and the Circulation of Client Ties
JP Broschak, ES Block, S Koppman, I Adjerid
Journal of Management Studies 57 (6), 1106-1142, 2020
Are Women More Creative Than Men? The Gendered Effects of Networks and Genres on Musical Creativity
N Askin, M Mauskapf, S Koppman, B Uzzi
Working Paper, 2019
The gender of genius: Explaining occupational sex segregation in creative fields
S Koppman
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 11067, 2014
Going for the gold: The effect of competitive socialization on managerial attainment
S Koppman
Research in the Sociology of Work 25 (1), 221-42, 2014
Creativity as privilege
D Trapido, S Koppman
Research in Organizational Behavior 43, 100193, 2023
The Dilemma of Mobility: The Differential Effects of Women’s and Men’s Erratic Career Paths in a High Tech Firm
MD Leung, S Koppman, RW Lu
Different Like Me: Social Exclusion and the Recognition of Creativity in Advertising Organizations
S Koppman
The University of Arizona., 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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