Yury Kriksin
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Adsorption of multiblock copolymers onto a chemically heterogeneous surface: A model of pattern recognition
YA Kriksin, PG Khalatur, AR Khokhlov
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (11), 2005
Parallel algorithm for 3D SCF simulation of copolymers with flexible and rigid blocks
YA Kriksin, PG Khalatur
Macromolecular theory and simulations 21 (6), 382-399, 2012
On the question of quasi-optimal choice of a regularized approximation
AN Tikhonov, VB Glasko, YA Kriksin
Doklady Akademii Nauk 248 (3), 531-535, 1979
Microphase separation of diblock copolymers with amphiphilic segment
YA Kriksin, PG Khalatur, IY Erukhimovich, G ten Brinke, AR Khokhlov
Soft Matter 5 (15), 2896-2904, 2009
Nonconventional morphologies in two-length scale block copolymer systems beyond the weak segregation theory
YA Kriksin, IY Erukhimovich, PG Khalatur, YG Smirnova, G ten Brinke
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (24), 2008
Directed assembly of block copolymers by sparsely patterned substrates
YA Kriksin, PG Khalatur, IV Neratova, AR Khokhlov, LA Tsarkova
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (51), 25185-25200, 2011
Pattern multiplication by template-guided self-assembly of cylinder-forming copolymers: Field-theoretic and particle-based simulations
YA Kriksin, IV Neratova, PG Khalatur, AR Khokhlov
Chemical Physics Letters 492 (1-3), 103-108, 2010
Nonmonotonic incommensurability effects in lamellar-in-lamellar self-assembled multiblock copolymers
YA Kriksin, IY Erukhimovich, YG Smirnova, PG Khalatur, G Ten Brinke
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (20), 2009
The inverse problem of source reconstruction for convective diffusion equation
YA Kriksin, SN Plushchev, EA Samarskaya, VF Tishkin
Matematicheskoe modelirovanie 7 (11), 95-108, 1995
Ordering in stretched bernoullian copolymers
AD Litmanovich, YV Kudryavtsev, YA Kriksin, OA Kononenko
Macromolecular theory and simulations 12 (1), 11-16, 2003
Variational entropic regularization of the discontinuous Galerkin method for gasdynamic equations
YA Kriksin, VF Tishkin
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 11, 1032-1040, 2019
Diamond-forming block copolymers and diamond-like morphologies: A new route toward efficient block copolymer membranes
I Erukhimovich, Y Kriksin, G Ten Brinke
Macromolecules 48 (21), 7909-7922, 2015
The diamond and other non-conventional morphologies in two-scale multiblock AB copolymers
I Erukhimovich, Y Kriksin, G ten Brinke
Soft Matter 8 (7), 2159-2169, 2012
Discontinuous Galerkin method with an entropic slope limiter for Euler equations
MD Bragin, YA Kriksin, VF Tishkin
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 12, 824-833, 2020
Entropic regularization of Discontinuous Galerkin method in one-dimensional problems of gas dynamics
YA Kriksin, VF Tishkin
Keldysh Institute Preprints, 1-22, 2018
The principle of quasioptimality for linear ill-posed problems in Hilbert space
VB Glasko, YA Kriksin
Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki 24 (11), 1603-1613, 1984
Verification of an entropic regularization method for discontinuous Galerkin schemes applied to hyperbolic equations
MD Bragin, YA Kriksin, VF Tishkin
Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 18-25, 2019
О математическом проектировании конструкции ЯМР-томографа
АН Тихонов, ИБ Рубашов, ВЯ Арсенин, ВБ Гласко, ЮА Криксин, ...
Препринты ИПМ им. МВ Келдыша, 1987
Numerical solution of the Einfeldt problem based on the discontinuous Galerkin method
YA Kriksin, VF Tishkin
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1-22, 2019
Entropy-stable discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional Euler equations
MD Bragin, YA Kriksin, VF Tishkin
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 13, 897-906, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20