CONICET-UTN "Instituto de Evolución, Ecología Histórica, y Ambiente"
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Synergistic roles of climate warming and human occupation in Patagonian megafaunal extinctions during the Last Deglaciation
JL Metcalf, C Turney, R Barnett, F Martin, SC Bray, JT Vilstrup, L Orlando, ...
Science advances 2 (6), e1501682, 2016
Biogeografía humana en los Andes meridionales: tendencias arqueológicas en el sur de Mendoza
G Neme, A Gil
Chungará (arica) 40 (1), 5-18, 2008
Reviewing human–environment interactions in arid regions of southern South America during the past 3000 years
M Morales, R Barberena, JB Belardi, L Borrero, V Cortegoso, V Durán, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 281 (3-4), 283-295, 2009
Maize on the frontier
AF Gil, RH Tykot, G Neme, NR Shelnut
Isotopic and macrobotanical data from central-western Argentina. Staller, J …, 2006
Arqueología de La Payunia (Mendoza, Argentina): El poblamiento humano en los márgenes de la agricultura
AF Gil
BAR Publishing, 2006
Stable isotopes and human diet in central western Argentina
AF Gil, GA Neme, RH Tykot
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (7), 1395-1404, 2011
A study of obsidian source usage in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile
M Giesso, V Durán, G Neme, MD Glascock, V Cortegoso, A Gil, ...
Archaeometry 53 (1), 1-21, 2011
Stable isotopes and maize consumption in central western Argentina
AF Gil, GA Neme, RH Tykot, P Novellino, V Cortegoso, V Durán
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 19 (2), 215-236, 2009
Isotopic evidence on human bone for declining maize consumption during the little ice age in central western Argentina
AF Gil, R Villalba, A Ugan, V Cortegoso, G Neme, CT Michieli, P Novellino, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 213-227, 2014
Estudio de fuentes de aprovisionamiento y redes de distribución de obsidiana durante el Holoceno Tardío en el sur de Mendoza (Argentina)
V Durán, M Giesso, M Glascock, G Neme, A Gil, L Sanhueza
Estudios atacameños, 25-43, 2004
Mid-Holocene paleoenvironments and the archeological record of southern Mendoza, Argentina
A Gil, M Zárate, G Neme
Quaternary International 132 (1), 81-94, 2005
Human occupation and increasing mid-Holocene aridity: southern Andean perspectives
G Neme, A Gil
Current Anthropology 50 (1), 149-163, 2009
Mid Holocene radiocarbon ages in the Subtropical Andes (∼ 29–35 S), climatic change and implications for human space organization
C Méndez, A Gil, G Neme, AN Delaunay, V Cortegoso, C Huidobro, ...
Quaternary International 356, 15-26, 2015
Obsidian in the south-central Andes: geological, geochemical, and archaeological assessment of north Patagonian sources (Argentina)
R Barberena, A Hajduk, AF Gil, GA Neme, V Durán, MD Glascock, ...
Quaternary International 245 (1), 25-36, 2011
Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) isotopic ecology in southern South America: spatial and temporal tendencies, and archaeological implications
R Barberena, AF Zangrando, AF Gil, GA Martínez, GG Politis, LA Borrero, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (12), 2666-2675, 2009
Zea mays on the South American Periphery: Chronology and Dietary Importance
AF Gil
Current Anthropology 44 (2), 295-300, 2003
El consumo de maíz en el Holoceno tardío del oeste argentino: isótopos estables y caries
P Novellino, A Gil, G Neme, V Durán
Revista Española de Antropología Americana 34, 85-110, 2004
Arqueología del área natural protegida Laguna del Diamante (Mendoza, Argentina)
V Durán, G Neme, V Cortegoso, A Gil
Anales de Arqueología y Etnología 61, 81-134, 2006
Demografía humana e incorporación de cultígenos en el centro occidente argentino: explorando tendencias en las fechas radiocarbónicas
AF Gil, MA Giardina, GA Neme, A Ugan
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015
Mid-Holocene paleoenvironments and human occupation in southern South America
MA Zárate, GA Neme, AF Gil
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005
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