Wei Gao
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On the distance spectra of graphs
MT Ghodratollah Aalipour, Aida Abiad, Zhanar Berikkyzy, Jay Cummings ...
Linear Algebra and its Applications 497, 66-87, 2016
Sign patterns with minimum rank 2 and upper bounds on minimum ranks
Z Li, Y Gao, M Arav, F Gong, W Gao, FJ Hall, H van der Holst
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 61 (7), 895-908, 2013
Degree-based energies of trees
Y Shao, Y Gao, W Gao, X Zhao
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 621, 18-28, 2021
The Maximum Balaban Index and Sum-Balaban Index of Bicyclic Graphs
ZL Wei Fang, Yubin Gao, Yanling Shao, Wei Gao, Guangming Jing
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 75, 129-156, 2016
Trees with maximum vertex-degree-based topological indices
W Gao
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 88, 535-552, 2022
Minimum Codegree Threshold for C63-Factors in 3-Uniform Hypergraphs
W Gao, J Han
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 26 (4), 536-559, 2017
Sign patterns that require H_n exist for each n≥4
LZ Wei Gao, Zhongshan Li
Linear Algebra and its Applications 489, 15-23, 2016
Minimum ranks of sign patterns and zero–nonzero patterns and point–hyperplane configurations
W Fang, W Gao, Y Gao, F Gong, G Jing, Z Li, Y Shao, L Zhang
Linear Algebra and its Applications 558, 44-62, 2018
Codegree conditions for tiling complete k-partite k-graphs and loose cycles
W Gao, J Han, Y Zhao
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28 (6), 840-870, 2019
Characterization of star sign patterns that require H_n
LZ Wei Gao, Zhongshan Li
Linear Algebra and its Applications 499, 43-65, 2016
Ranks of dense alternating sign matrices and their sign patterns
MS Miroslav Fiedler, Wei Gao, Frank J. Hall, Guangming Jing, Zhongshan Li
Linear Algebra and its Applications 471, 109–121, 2015
The minimal critical sets of refined inertias for 3×3 full sign patterns
LZ Wei Gao, Zhongshan Li
Linear Algebra and its Applications 458, 183–196, 2014
The Randić energy of generalized double sun
W Gao
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 72 (1), 285-312, 2022
The minimal Randić energy of trees with given diameter
Y Gao, W Gao, Y Shao
Applied Mathematics and Computation 411, 126489, 2021
Chemical trees with maximal VDB topological indices
W Gao
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 89, 699-722, 2023
Rank conditions for sign patterns that allow diagonalizability
XL Feng, W Gao, FJ Hall, G Jing, Z Li, C Zagrodny, J Zhou
Discrete Mathematics 343 (5), 111798, 2020
Path sign patterns of order n≥ 5 do not require Hn
W Gao, Z Li
Linear Algebra and its Applications 532, 99-126, 2017
Rational realization of the minimum ranks of nonnegative sign pattern matrices
W Fang, W Gao, Y Gao, F Gong, G Jing, Z Li, Y Shao, L Zhang
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 66 (3), 895-911, 2016
The generalized competition indices of primitive minimally strong digraphs
ZL Wei Fang, Yubin Gao, Yanling Shao, Wei Gao, Guangming Jing
Linear Algebra and its Applications 493, 206–226, 2016
Complete characterization of chemical trees with maximal Augmented Zagreb index
Y Shao, W Gao
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69 (5), 3851-3870, 2023
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