Kinetic analysis of the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol by metallic nanoparticles S Gu, S Wunder, Y Lu, M Ballauff, R Fenger, K Rademann, B Jaquet, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (32), 18618-18625, 2014
399 2014 Approximate analytical description of the nonaffine response of amorphous solids A Zaccone, E Scossa-Romano
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (18), 184205, 2011
287 2011 Theory of activated-rate processes under shear with application to shear-induced aggregation of colloids A Zaccone, H Wu, D Gentili, M Morbidelli
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
156 2009 Universal origin of boson peak vibrational anomalies in ordered crystals and in amorphous materials M Baggioli, A Zaccone
Physical review letters 122 (14), 145501, 2019
151 2019 Local inversion-symmetry breaking controls the boson peak in glasses and crystals R Milkus, A Zaccone
Physical Review B 93, 094204, 2016
139 2016 Breakup of dense colloidal aggregates under hydrodynamic stresses A Zaccone, M Soos, M Lattuada, H Wu, MU Bäbler, M Morbidelli
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (6 …, 2009
131 2009 Elasticity of arrested short-ranged attractive colloids: Homogeneous and heterogeneous glasses A Zaccone, H Wu, E Del Gado
Physical Review Letters 103, 208301, 2009
128 2009 Disorder-assisted melting and the glass transition in amorphous solids A Zaccone, EM Terentjev
Physical review letters 110 (17), 178002, 2013
121 2013 Interatomic repulsion softness directly controls the fragility of supercooled metallic melts J Krausser, KH Samwer, A Zaccone
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), 13762-13767, 2015
112 2015 Ligand-free gold nanoparticles as a reference material for kinetic modelling of catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol S Gu, J Kaiser, G Marzun, A Ott, Y Lu, M Ballauff, A Zaccone, ...
Catalysis Letters 145, 1105-1112, 2015
97 2015 Ultrafast extreme rejuvenation of metallic glasses by shock compression G Ding, C Li, A Zaccone, WH Wang, HC Lei, F Jiang, Z Ling, MQ Jiang
Science advances 5 (8), eaaw6249, 2019
93 2019 Shear banding in metallic glasses described by alignments of Eshelby quadrupoles V Hieronymus-Schmidt, H Rösner, G Wilde, A Zaccone
Physical Review B 95 (13), 134111, 2017
85 2017 Fluorescence self-quenching from reporter dyes informs on the structural properties of amyloid clusters formed in vitro and in cells WY Chen, LJ Young, M Lu, A Zaccone, F Strohl, N Yu, ...
Nano letters 17 (1), 143-149, 2017
85 2017 Experimental investigations and modelling of breakage phenomena in stirred liquid/liquid systems S Maaß, A Gäbler, A Zaccone, AR Paschedag, M Kraume
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 85 (5), 703-709, 2007
85 2007 Kinetics of spontaneous filament nucleation via oligomers: Insights from theory and simulation A Šarić, TCT Michaels, A Zaccone, TPJ Knowles, D Frenkel
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (21), 2016
83 2016 Shear-driven solidification of dilute colloidal suspensions A Zaccone, D Gentili, H Wu, M Morbidelli, E Del Gado
Physical review letters 106 (13), 138301, 2011
82 2011 Explicit Analytical Solution for Random Close Packing in and A Zaccone
Physical Review Letters 128 (2), 028002, 2022
80 2022 Shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics of Brownian particles at arbitrary concentrations A Zaccone, D Gentili, H Wu, M Morbidelli
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (13), 2010
79 2010 Drop breakage in liquid–liquid stirred dispersions: modelling of single drop breakage A Zaccone, A Gäbler, S Maaß, D Marchisio, M Kraume
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (22), 6297-6307, 2007
77 2007 Linking self-assembly, rheology, and gel transition in attractive colloids A Zaccone, HH Winter, M Siebenbürger, M Ballauff
Journal of Rheology 58 (5), 1219-1244, 2014
75 2014