Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Stefaan Van DammeUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 12
Is distraction less effective when pain is threatening? An experimental investigation with the cold pressor task
S Van Damme, G Crombez, KN Wever, L Goubert
European Journal of Pain 12 (1), 60-67, 2008
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The unbearable lightness of somatisation: a systematic review of the concept of somatisation in empirical studies of pain
G Crombez, K Beirens, S Van Damme, C Eccleston, J Fontaine
Pain 145 (1), 31-35, 2009
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Attentional bias towards pain-related information diminishes the efficacy of distraction
DML Van Ryckeghem, G Crombez, L Van Hulle, S Van Damme
PAIN® 153 (12), 2345-2351, 2012
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Keeping pain out of your mind: The role of attentional set in pain
DML Van Ryckeghem, G Crombez, C Eccleston, V Legrain, ...
European Journal of Pain, 2012
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Is visual dominance modulated by the threat value of visual and auditory stimuli?
S Van Damme, G Crombez, C Spence
Experimental Brain Research 193, 197-204, 2009
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Measuring attentional bias to threat in children and adolescents: A matter of speed?
S Van Damme, G Crombez
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 40 (2), 344-351, 2009
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Is attentional prioritization on a location where pain is expected modality-specific or multisensory?
C Vanden Bulcke, G Crombez, W Durnez, S Van Damme
Consciousness and cognition 36, 246-255, 2015
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Does experimentally induced pain-related fear influence central and peripheral movement preparation in healthy people and patients with low back pain?
S Schouppe, A Clauwaert, J Van Oosterwijck, S Van Damme, T Palmans, ...
Pain 161 (6), 1212-1226, 2020
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Effects of combined theta burst stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on stress
S De Smet, C Baeken, R De Raedt, MM Pulopulos, LB Razza, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 132 (5), 1116-1125, 2021
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Physical and cognitive exertion do not influence feedforward activation of the trunk muscles: a randomized crossover trial
S Schouppe, L Danneels, S Van Damme, S Van Oosterwijck, T Palmans, ...
Experimental brain research 237, 3011-3021, 2019
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Physical or cognitive exertion does not influence cortical movement preparation for rapid arm movements
S Schouppe, J Van Oosterwijck, JR Wiersema, S Van Damme, T Willems, ...
Motor Control 24 (4), 473-498, 2020
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The influence of cognitive processes on the efficacy of conditioned pain modulation: an experimental study
A Billens, E Dhondt, E Dierickx, S Van Damme, I De Greef, M Meeus, ...
Belgian Pain Society (BPS) 2nd Young Researchers Day 2023, 44-44, 2023
Mandati: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, National Natural Science …
Disponibili pubblicamente: 47
Fear-avoidance model of chronic pain: the next generation
G Crombez, C Eccleston, S Van Damme, JWS Vlaeyen, P Karoly
The Clinical journal of pain 28 (6), 475-483, 2012
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A neurocognitive model of attention to pain: behavioral and neuroimaging evidence
V Legrain, S Van Damme, C Eccleston, KD Davis, DA Seminowicz, ...
Pain 144 (3), 230-232, 2009
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Keeping pain in mind: a motivational account of attention to pain
S Van Damme, V Legrain, J Vogt, G Crombez
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 34 (2), 204-213, 2010
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Attentional bias to pain-related information: a meta-analysis
G Crombez, DML Van Ryckeghem, C Eccleston, S Van Damme
Pain 154 (4), 497-510, 2013
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The role of motivation in distracting attention away from pain: an experimental study
K Verhoeven, G Crombez, C Eccleston, DML Van Ryckeghem, S Morley, ...
PAIN® 149 (2), 229-234, 2010
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Competing for attentional priority: temporary goals versus threats.
J Vogt, J De Houwer, G Crombez, S Van Damme
Emotion 13 (3), 587, 2013
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
No pain no gain? Pursuing a competing goal inhibits avoidance behavior
S Van Damme, DML Van Ryckeghem, F Wyffels, L Van Hulle, G Crombez
PAIN® 153 (4), 800-804, 2012
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Pain draws visual attention to its location: experimental evidence for a threat-related bias
S Van Damme, G Crombez, J Lorenz
The Journal of Pain 8 (12), 976-982, 2007
Mandati: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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