Ueverton S. Souza
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Extremal values and bounds for the zero forcing number
M Gentner, LD Penso, D Rautenbach, US Souza
Discrete applied mathematics 214, 196-200, 2016
Complexity properties of complementary prisms
MA Duarte, L Penso, D Rautenbach, U dos Santos Souza
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 33, 365-372, 2017
An efficient similarity-based approach for comparing XML documents
A Oliveira, G Tessarolli, G Ghiotto, B Pinto, F Campello, M Marques, ...
Information Systems 78, 40-57, 2018
Complexity analysis of P3-convexity problems on bounded-degree and planar graphs
LD Penso, F Protti, D Rautenbach, U dos Santos Souza
Theoretical Computer Science 607, 83-95, 2015
Hitting forbidden induced subgraphs on bounded treewidth graphs
I Sau, U dos Santos Souza
Information and Computation 281, 104812, 2021
On the hardness of finding the geodetic number of a subcubic graph
LR Bueno, LD Penso, F Protti, VR Ramos, D Rautenbach, US Souza
Information Processing Letters 135, 22-27, 2018
Revisiting the complexity of and/or graph solution
U dos Santos Souza, F Protti, MD da Silva
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 79 (7), 1156-1163, 2013
On the (parameterized) complexity of recognizing well-covered (r, ℓ)-graph
SR Alves, KK Dabrowski, L Faria, S Klein, I Sau, US Souza
Theoretical Computer Science 746, 36-48, 2018
Relating verification and validation methods to software product quality characteristics: results of an expert survey
I Mendoza, M Kalinowski, U Souza, M Felderer
International Conference on Software Quality, 33-44, 2018
Computing the largest bond and the maximum connected cut of a graph
GL Duarte, H Eto, T Hanaka, Y Kobayashi, Y Kobayashi, D Lokshtanov, ...
Algorithmica 83, 1421-1458, 2021
Deadlock resolution in wait-for graphs by vertex/arc deletion
ADA Carneiro, F Protti, US Souza
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 37 (2), 546-562, 2019
Decycling with a matching
CVGC Lima, D Rautenbach, US Souza, JL Szwarcfiter
Information Processing Letters 124, 26-29, 2017
Maximum induced matchings close to maximum matchings
MA Duarte, F Joos, LD Penso, D Rautenbach, US Souza
Theoretical Computer Science 588, 131-137, 2015
An algorithmic analysis of Flood-it and Free-Flood-it on graph powers
U dos Santos Souza, F Protti, M Silva
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 16 (Analysis of Algorithms), 2014
Parameterized complexity of flood-filling games on trees
U dos Santos Souza, F Protti, MD da Silva
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 531-542, 2013
Graphs in which some and every maximum matching is uniquely restricted
LD Penso, D Rautenbach, U dos Santos Souza
Journal of Graph Theory 89 (1), 55-63, 2018
Deadlock models in distributed computation: foundations, design, and computational complexity
VC Barbosa, ADA Carneiro, F Protti, US Souza
Proceedings of the 31st annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 538-541, 2016
Computing the largest bond of a graph
GL Duarte, D Lokshtanov, LLC Pedrosa, R Schouery, US Souza
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01071, 2019
Compositions, decompositions, and conformability for total coloring on power of cycle graphs
A Zorzi, CMH Figueiredo, RCS Machado, LM Zatesko, US Souza
Discrete Applied Mathematics 323, 349-363, 2022
Uma introdução à complexidade parametrizada
VF dos Santos, U dos Santos Souza
Anais da 34º Jornada de Atualização em Informática, CSBC, 232-273, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20