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98 2021 Evolution of the band structure of quasiparticles with doping in copper oxides on the basis of a generalized tight-binding method VA Gavrichkov, SG Ovchinnikov, AA Borisov, EG Goryachev
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62 2011 The strong effect of three-center interactions on the formation of superconductivity with symmetry in the tJ* model VV Val’kov, TA Val’kova, DM Dzebisashvili, SG Ovchinnikov
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57 2004 Structural properties and high-temperature spin and electronic transitions in GdCoO : Experiment and theory YS Orlov, LA Solovyov, VA Dudnikov, AS Fedorov, AA Kuzubov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (23), 235105, 2013
56 2013 Magnetic-field-and bias-sensitive conductivity of a hybrid Fe/SiO2/p-Si structure in planar geometry NV Volkov, AS Tarasov, EV Eremin, SN Varnakov, SG Ovchinnikov, ...
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