Laura Upenieks
Laura Upenieks
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Baylor University
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Love thy self? How belief in a supportive God shapes self-esteem
S Schieman, A Bierman, L Upenieks, CG Ellison
Review of Religious Research 59 (3), 293-318, 2017
Using prosocial behavior to safeguard mental health and foster emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A registered report of a randomized trial
A Miles, M Andiappan, L Upenieks, C Orfanidis
PloS one 17 (7), e0272152, 2022
Accumulation of economic hardship and health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Social causation or selection?
A Bierman, L Upenieks, P Glavin, S Schieman
Social Science & Medicine 275, 113774, 2021
Do racial differences in coping resources explain the Black–White paradox in mental health? A test of multiple mechanisms
P Louie, L Upenieks, CL Erving, CS Thomas Tobin
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 63 (1), 55-70, 2022
Gender differences in self-esteem, unvarnished self-evaluation, future orientation, self-enhancement and self-derogation in a US national sample
W Magee, L Upenieks
Personality and Individual Differences 149, 66-77, 2019
Trust in God and/or Science? Sociodemographic Differences in the Effects of Beliefs in an Engaged God and Mistrust of the COVID-19 Vaccine
L Upenieks, J Ford-Robertson, JE Robertson
Journal of Religion and Health, 1-30, 2022
Changes in religious doubt and physical and mental health in emerging adulthood
L Upenieks
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60 (2), 332-361, 2021
Socially distant? Social network confidants, loneliness, and health during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Bierman, L Upenieks, S Schieman
Social Currents 8 (4), 299-313, 2021
Vicarious discrimination, psychosocial resources, and mental health among Black Americans
P Louie, L Upenieks
Social Psychology Quarterly 85 (2), 187-209, 2022
Unpacking the relationship between prayer and anxiety: A consideration of prayer types and expectations in the United States
L Upenieks
Journal of religion and health 62 (3), 1810-1831, 2023
Religious/spiritual struggles and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does “talking religion” help or hurt?
L Upenieks
Review of Religious Research 64 (2), 249-278, 2022
Jitters on the eve of the great recession: Is the belief in divine control a protective resource?
L Upenieks, S Schieman, A Bierman
Sociology of Religion 83 (2), 194-221, 2022
Religious attendance and physical health in later life: A life course approach
L Upenieks, MH Schafer
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 61 (4), 486-502, 2020
The belief in divine control and the mental health effects of stressful life events: A study of education-based contingencies
L Upenieks, S Schieman
Review of Religious Research 63 (2), 183-215, 2021
An expanded model of the moral self: Beyond care and justice
A Miles, L Upenieks
Social Science Research 72, 1-19, 2018
Environmental disorder and functional decline among older adults: A layered context approach
MH Schafer, L Upenieks
Social Science & Medicine 124, 152-161, 2015
Welcome to the dark side: The role of religious/spiritual struggles in the Black-White mental health paradox
L Upenieks, P Louie, TD Hill
Society and Mental Health 13 (2), 151-168, 2023
Mattering to god and to the congregation: Gendered effects in mattering as a mechanism between religiosity and mental health
R Bonhag, L Upenieks
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60 (4), 890-913, 2021
Resilience in the aftermath of childhood abuse? Changes in religiosity and adulthood psychological distress
L Upenieks
Journal of Religion and Health 60 (4), 2677-2701, 2021
Does childhood religiosity delay death?
L Upenieks, MH Schafer, A Mogosanu
Journal of Religion and Health 60 (1), 420-443, 2021
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