Marco de Cesare
Marco de Cesare
postdoc, Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM)
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Cosmological implications of interacting Group Field Theory models: cyclic Universe and accelerated expansion
M de Cesare, AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Physical Review D 94 (6), 064051, 2016
On the possibility of tree-level leptogenesis from Kalb–Ramond torsion background
M De Cesare, NE Mavromatos, S Sarkar
The European Physical Journal C 75, 1-21, 2015
Local conformal symmetry in non-Riemannian geometry and the origin of physical scales
M De Cesare, JW Moffat, M Sakellariadou
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-12, 2017
Accelerated expansion of the Universe without an inflaton and resolution of the initial singularity from Group Field Theory condensates
M de Cesare, M Sakellariadou
Physics Letters B 764, 49-53, 2017
Dynamics of anisotropies close to a cosmological bounce in quantum gravity
M De Cesare, D Oriti, AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (1), 015014, 2017
White paper and roadmap for quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger era
RA Batista, G Amelino-Camelia, D Boncioli, JM Carmona, A Di Matteo, ...
Classical and quantum gravity 42 (3), 032001, 2025
Limiting curvature mimetic gravity for group field theory condensates
M de Cesare
Physical Review D 99 (6), 063505, 2019
The singularity in mimetic Kantowski-Sachs cosmology
M De Cesare, SS Seahra, E Wilson-Ewing
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2020 (07), 018, 2020
Reconstruction of mimetic gravity in a non-singular bouncing universe from quantum gravity
M de Cesare
Universe 5 (5), 107, 2019
A generalized Kasner transition for bouncing Bianchi I models in modified gravity theories
M De Cesare, E Wilson-Ewing
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 (12), 039, 2019
Interacting dark sector from the trace-free Einstein equations: Cosmological perturbations with no instability
M de Cesare, E Wilson-Ewing
Physical Review D 106 (2), 023527, 2022
Noncommutative gravity with self-dual variables
M De Cesare, M Sakellariadou, P Vitale
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (21), 215009, 2018
Effective cosmological constant induced by stochastic fluctuations of Newton's constant
M de Cesare, F Lizzi, M Sakellariadou
Physics Letters B 760, 498-501, 2016
Backreaction of scalar waves on black holes at low frequencies
M de Cesare, R Oliveri
Physical Review D 108 (4), 044050, 2023
Size of the Gribov region in curved spacetime
M De Cesare, G Esposito, H Ghorbani
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (8), 087701, 2013
Physical Hamiltonian for mimetic gravity
M de Cesare, V Husain
Physical Review D 102 (10), 104052, 2020
Semiclassical solutions of generalized Wheeler-DeWitt cosmology
M de Cesare, MV Gargiulo, M Sakellariadou
Physical Review D 93 (2), 024046, 2016
Evolving black hole with scalar field accretion
M de Cesare, R Oliveri
Physical Review D 106 (4), 044033, 2022
Generalized boundary conditions in closed cosmologies
D Brizuela, M de Cesare
Physical Review D 107 (10), 104054, 2023
Cosmological evolution from modified Bekenstein entropy law
M de Cesare, G Gubitosi
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (01), 046, 2024
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