Bifurcation theory VI Arnold, VS Afrajmovich, YS Ilyashenko, LP Shil’nikov Dynamical Systems V 5, 1-205, 1994 | 1723* | 1994 |
Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics LP Shil'nikov World Scientific, 2001 | 1218 | 2001 |
A case of the existence of a denumerable set of periodic motions LP Shilnikov Doklady Akademii Nauk 160 (3), 558-561, 1965 | 911* | 1965 |
Dynamical systems III, encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences, vol. 3 VI Arnold, VV Kozlov, AI Neishtadt Springer, Berlin, 1988 | 768 | 1988 |
A contribution to the problem of the structure of an extended neighborhood of a rough equilibrium state of saddle-focus type LP Shilnikov Matematicheskii Sbornik 123 (1), 92-103, 1970 | 566 | 1970 |
The origin and structure of the Lorenz attractor VS Afraımovic, VV Bykov, LP Silnikov Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 234 (2), 336-339, 1977 | 521* | 1977 |
On a Poincaré-Birkhoff problem LP Šil'nikov Sbornik: Mathematics 3 (3), 353-371, 1967 | 410* | 1967 |
Dynamical systems V: bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory VI Arnold, VS Afrajmovich, YS Il'yashenko, LP Shil'nikov Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 380 | 2013 |
Three-dimensional dynamical systems similar to a system with nonstructurally stable homocinic curve. I INK Gavrilov, LP Shil'nikov Mat. Sb 88, 475-492, 0 | 338* | |
On three-dimensional dynamical systems close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. I NK Gavrilov, LP Šil'nikov Sbornik: Mathematics 17 (4), 467-485, 1972 | 336 | 1972 |
Методы качественной теории в нелинейной динамике. Часть 1. ЛП Шильников, АЛ Шильников, ДВ Тураев, Л Чуа Москва-Ижевск: Институт компьютерных исследований, 2004 | 319* | 2004 |
Chua's circuit: Rigorous results and future problems LP Shil'nikov International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and …, 1994 | 260 | 1994 |
Invariant 2D-tori, their breaking-down, and chaos VS Afraimovich, LP Shil'nikov Methods of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 3-25, 1983 | 241* | 1983 |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence VS Afraimovich, LP Shilnikov Pitman, Boston, 1983 | 232* | 1983 |
An example of a wild strange attractor DV Turaev, LP Shil'nikov Sbornik: Mathematics 189, 291, 1998 | 223* | 1998 |
A case of the existence of a denumerable set of periodic motions LP Silnikov Sov. Math. Dokl 6 (163-166), 94, 1965 | 223 | 1965 |
On three-dimensional dynamical systems close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. II NK Gavrilov, LP Šil'nikov Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 19 (1), 139, 1973 | 218 | 1973 |
Поведение динамических систем вблизи границ области устойчивости НН Баутин, ЛП Шильников ИЗБРАННЫЕ НАУЧНЫЕ ТРУДЫ, 77, 1984 | 216 | 1984 |
On attractive non-robust limiting sets of type of Lorenz attractor VS Afraimovich, VV Bykov, LP Shilnikov Mosc. Math. Soc 44, 150-212, 1983 | 192* | 1983 |
On bifurcations of the Lorenz attractor in the Shimizu-Morioka model AL Shil'nikov Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 62 (1-4), 338-346, 1993 | 191 | 1993 |