Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes RC Atkinson, RM Shiffrin The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory 2 …, 1968 | 16377 | 1968 |
Controlled and automatic human information processing: II. Perceptual learning, automatic attending and a general theory. RM Shiffrin, W Schneider Psychological review 84 (2), 127, 1977 | 12028 | 1977 |
Controlled and automatic human information processing: I. Detection, search, and attention. W Schneider, RM Shiffrin Psychological review 84 (1), 1, 1977 | 9902 | 1977 |
The control of short-term memory RC Atkinson, RM Shiffrin Scientific american 225 (2), 82-91, 1971 | 2803 | 1971 |
Search of associative memory. JG Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin Psychological Review; Psychological Review 88 (2), 93, 1981 | 2419 | 1981 |
A retrieval model for both recognition and recall. G Gillund, RM Shiffrin Psychological Review; Psychological Review 91 (1), 1, 1984 | 2296 | 1984 |
A model for recognition memory: REM—retrieving effectively from memory RM Shiffrin, M Steyvers Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 4 (2), 145-166, 1997 | 1277 | 1997 |
Automatic and control processing and attention W Schneider, ST Dumais, RM Shiffrin Human Attention Research Laboratory, Psychology Department, University of …, 1982 | 991 | 1982 |
Storage and retrieval processes in long-term memory. RM Shiffrin, RC Atkinson Psychological review 76 (2), 179, 1969 | 918 | 1969 |
SAM: A theory of probabilistic search of associative memory JGW Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory …, 1980 | 671 | 1980 |
Episodic and lexical contributions to the repetition effect in word identification. TC Feustel, RM Shiffrin, A Salasoo Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 112 (3), 309, 1983 | 536 | 1983 |
List-strength effect: I. Data and discussion. R Ratcliff, SE Clark, RM Shiffrin Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 16 (2), 163, 1990 | 493 | 1990 |
Mapping knowledge domains RM Shiffrin, K Börner Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2004 | 492 | 2004 |
Automatic and controlled processing revisited. RM Shiffrin, W Schneider American Psychological Association 91 (2), 269, 1984 | 448 | 1984 |
Altering object representations through category learning RL Goldstone, Y Lippa, RM Shiffrin Cognition 78 (1), 27-43, 2001 | 430 | 2001 |
Visual processing capacity and attentional control. RM Shiffrin, GT Gardner Journal of Experimental Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1 …, 1972 | 428 | 1972 |
Memory search RM Shiffrin Models of human memory, 375-447, 1970 | 346 | 1970 |
List-strength effect: II. Theoretical mechanisms. RM Shiffrin, R Ratcliff, SE Clark Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 16 (2), 179, 1990 | 309 | 1990 |
Capacity limitations in information processing, attention, and memory RM Shiffrin Handbook of learning and cognitive processes 4, 177-236, 1976 | 309 | 1976 |
Building permanent memory codes: codification and repetition effects in word identification. A Salasoo, RM Shiffrin, TC Feustel Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 114 (1), 50, 1985 | 299 | 1985 |