Venkatesh Nagarajan-Radha
Venkatesh Nagarajan-Radha
Postdoctoral Associate
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Dim artificial light at night affects mating, reproductive output, and reactive oxygen species in Drosophila melanogaster
LK McLay, V Nagarajan‐Radha, MP Green, TM Jones
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2018
Sex-specific effects of mitochondrial haplotype on metabolic rate in Drosophila melanogaster support predictions of the Mother's Curse hypothesis
V Nagarajan-Radha, I Aitkenhead, DJ Clancy, SL Chown, DK Dowling
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1790), 20190178, 2020
Field-realistic antidepressant exposure disrupts group foraging dynamics in mosquitofish
JM Martin, M Saaristo, H Tan, MG Bertram, V Nagarajan-Radha, ...
Biology letters 15 (11), 20190615, 2019
Interactions Between Mitochondrial Haplotype and Dietary Macronutrient Ratios Confer Sex-Specific Effects on Longevity in Drosophila melanogaster
V Nagarajan-Radha, J Rapkin, J Hunt, DK Dowling
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 74 (10), 1573-1581, 2019
Antidepressant exposure causes a nonmonotonic reduction in anxiety-related behaviour in female mosquitofish
JM Martin, V Nagarajan-Radha, H Tan, MG Bertram, JA Brand, M Saaristo, ...
Journal of hazardous materials letters 1, 100004, 2020
Novel instant organic fertilizer and analysis of its growth effects on spinach
R Vignesh, NR Venkatesh, B Meenakshisundaram, R Jayapradha
Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (2), 105-110, 2012
Formulation of economical microbial feed using degraded chicken feathers by a novel Streptomyces sp: mitigation of environmental pollution
J Ramakrishnan, H Balakrishnan, STK Raja, N Sundararamakrishnan, ...
Brazilian Journal of microbiology 42, 825-834, 2011
Low mammalian species richness is associated with Kyasanur Forest disease outbreak risk in deforested landscapes in the Western Ghats, India
W Michael G, R Bhat, V Nagarajan-Radha, P Narayanan, N Vyas, ...
One Health 13, 100299, 2021
Daily and seasonal variation in non-acoustic communicative behaviors of male greater short-nosed fruit bats (Cynopterus sphinx)
D Doss, V Nagarajan-Radha, S Kandula
Acta Chiropterologica 18 (1), 199-207, 2016
Sex differences in postprandial blood glucose and body surface temperature are contingent on flight in the fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx
V Nagarajan-Radha, PSD Devaraj
Biology Open 10 (2), bio053926, 2021
Size, more than colour, drives dyadic interactions in sub-adults of a colour polymorphic cichlid
TK Lehtonen, V Nagarajan-Radha, DK Dowling, BB Wong
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 136 (1), 111-119, 2022
Male resource defence behaviour strengthens harem size in promiscuously mating fruit bats
PS Doss D, V Nagarajan-Radha
Acta Chiropterologica 19 (2), 329-336, 2017
Volume of foliage tents affects harem size in Cynopterus sphinx living in a fission-fusion society
V Nagarajan-Radha, SP Murugan, PSD and Devaraj
Mammal Research, 2023
G × G × E effect on phenotype expression in a non-conventional model organism, the unicellular slime mould Physarum polycephalum
V Nagarajan-Radha, M Beekman
Biology Letters 19 (2), 20220494, 2023
The first complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the common Baya weaverbird (Ploceus philippinus) from southern India
V Nagarajan-Radha, SP Murugan, PSD Devaraj
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 10 (3), 183-186, 2025
Diet and mitonuclear haplotype interactions affect growth rate in a slime mould
V Nagarajan‐Radha, N Cordina, M Beekman
Ecology and Evolution 13 (9), e10508, 2023
Y chromosome-linked variation affects locomotor activity in male Drosophila melanogaster and is robust to differences in thermal environment
S Layh, V Nagarajan-Radha, B Lemos, DK Dowling
Heredity 130 (5), 312-319, 2023
Exploring the evolutionary significance of mitochondrial genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster
VN Radha
Monash University, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–18