Edward H Morrow
Edward H Morrow
Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Karlstad University, Sweden
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The Sexually Antagonistic Genes of Drosophila melanogaster
P Innocenti, EH Morrow
PLoS biology 8 (3), e1000335, 2010
Experimental evidence supports a sex-specific selective sieve in mitochondrial genome evolution
P Innocenti, EH Morrow, DK Dowling
Science 332 (6031), 845-848, 2011
Experimental evidence for the evolution of numerous, tiny sperm via sperm competition
MJG Gage, EH Morrow
Current Biology 13 (9), 754-757, 2003
The evolution of sperm length in moths
EH Morrow, MJG Gage
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Mitochondrial replacement, evolution, and the clinic
K Reinhardt, DK Dowling, EH Morrow
Science 341 (6152), 1345-1346, 2013
Costly traumatic insemination and a female counter-adaptation in bed bugs
EH Morrow, G Arnqvist
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Two sexes, one genome: the evolutionary dynamics of intralocus sexual conflict
TM Pennell, EH Morrow
Ecology and evolution 3 (6), 1819-1834, 2013
Adaptation versus pleiotropy: why do males harm their mates?
EH Morrow, G Arnqvist, S Pitnick
Behavioral Ecology 14 (6), 802-806, 2003
Inter-locus antagonistic coevolution as an engine of speciation: assessment with hemiclonal analysis
WR Rice, JE Linder, U Friberg, TA Lew, EH Morrow, AD Stewart
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (suppl_1), 6527-6534, 2005
Consistent significant variation between individual males in spermatozoal morphometry
EH Morrow, MJG Gage
Journal of Zoology 254 (2), 147-153, 2001
Assessing sexual conflict in the Drosophila melanogaster laboratory model system
WR Rice, AD Stewart, EH Morrow, JE Linder, N Orteiza, PG Byrne
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 361 …, 2006
Sex differences in disease genetics: evidence, evolution, and detection
WP Gilks, JK Abbott, EH Morrow
Trends in Genetics 30 (10), 453-463, 2014
No evidence that sexual selection is an ‘engine of speciation’in birds
EH Morrow, TE Pitcher, G Arnqvist
Ecology Letters 6 (3), 228-234, 2003
Genome-wide sexually antagonistic variants reveal long-standing constraints on sexual dimorphism in fruit flies
F Ruzicka, MS Hill, TM Pennell, I Flis, FC Ingleby, R Mott, K Fowler, ...
PLoS biology 17 (4), e3000244, 2019
Sexual selection and the risk of extinction in birds
EH Morrow, TE Pitcher
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Operational sex ratio predicts the opportunity and direction of sexual selection across animals
T Janicke, EH Morrow
Ecology letters 21 (3), 384-391, 2018
The evolution of sex differences in disease
EH Morrow
Biology of sex differences 6, 1-7, 2015
How the sperm lost its tail: the evolution of aflagellate sperm
EH Morrow
Biological Reviews 79 (4), 795-814, 2004
Single nucleotides in the mtDNA sequence modify mitochondrial molecular function and are associated with sex-specific effects on fertility and aging
MF Camus, JBW Wolf, EH Morrow, DK Dowling
Current Biology 25 (20), 2717-2722, 2015
Sex-biased gene expression and sexual conflict throughout development
FC Ingleby, I Flis, EH Morrow
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 7 (1), a017632, 2015
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