Covariance in models of loop quantum gravity: Spherical symmetry M Bojowald, S Brahma, JD Reyes
Physical Review D 92 (4), 045043, 2015
115 2015 Nonmarginal Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi-like models with inverse triad corrections<? format?> from loop quantum gravity M Bojowald, JD Reyes, R Tibrewala
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (8), 084002, 2009
96 2009 Spherically symmetric loop quantum gravity: connections to two-dimensional models and applications to gravitational collapse JD Reyes
The Pennsylvania State University, 2009
72 2009 Discreteness corrections and higher spatial derivatives in effective canonical quantum gravity M Bojowald, GM Paily, JD Reyes
Physical Review D 90 (2), 025025, 2014
46 2014 HQET with chiral symmetry on the lattice D Bećirević, J Reyes
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 129, 435-437, 2004
41 2004 Propagators in polymer quantum mechanics E Flores-González, HA Morales-Técotl, JD Reyes
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40 2013 Black-hole horizons in modified spacetime structures arising from canonical quantum gravity M Bojowald, GM Paily, JD Reyes, R Tibrewala
Classical and Quantum Gravity 28 (18), 185006, 2011
24 2011 Dilaton gravity, Poisson sigma models and loop quantum gravity M Bojowald, JD Reyes
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23 2009 Width difference in the Bs0-Bs0 system from lattice HQET V Gimenez, J Reyes
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 93 (1-3), 95-98, 2001
22 2001 The gravitational Hamiltonian, first order action, Poincaré charges and surface terms A Corichi, JD Reyes
Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 (19), 195024, 2015
17 2015 Boundary terms and the 3+ 1 decomposition of the Holst action A Corichi, JD Reyes
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360 (1), 012021, 2012
7 2012 Non perturbative renormalization in coordinate space V Gimenez, L Giusti, S Guerriero, V Lubicz, G Martinelli, S Petrarca, ...
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 129, 411-413, 2004
4 2004 Canonical methods in classical and quantum gravity: An invitation to canonical LQG JD Reyes
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1010 (1), 012001, 2018
3 2018 Weakly Isolated Horizons: First order actions and gauge symmetries A Corichi, JD Reyes, T Vukašinac
Classical and Quantum Gravity 34 (8), 085005, 2017
3 2017 Free particle propagator in polymer quantum mechanics E Flores-González, HA Morales-Técotl, JD Reyes
IX Workshop of the Gravitation and Mathematical Physics Division of the …, 2012
3 2012 Towards polymer quantum mechanics for fermionic systems AA García-Chung, HA Morales-Técotl, JD Reyes
AIP Conference Proceedings 1548 (1), 161-166, 2013
2 2013 On covariant and canonical Hamiltonian formalisms for gauge theories A Corichi, JD Reyes, T Vukašinac
Universe 10 (2), 60, 2024
1 2024 Weakly isolated horizons: 3 1 decomposition and canonical formulations in self-dual variables A Corichi, JD Reyes, T Vukašinac
Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 (1), 015011, 2022
1 2022 Comment on ‘New variables for 1+ 1 dimensional gravity’(2010 Class. Quantum Grav. 27 025002) M Bojowald, S Brahma, JD Reyes
Classical and Quantum Gravity 34 (13), 138001, 2017
1 2017 Deformed constraint algebras from loop quantum gravity JD Reyes
AIP Conference Proceedings 1548 (1), 172-178, 2013
1 2013