Gelation and critical phenomena D Stauffer, A Coniglio, M Adam
Polymer networks, 103-158, 2005
1222 2005 Magnetic phase diagram and magnetic pairing in doped La 2 CuO 4 A Aharony, RJ Birgeneau, A Coniglio, MA Kastner, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 60 (13), 1330, 1988
899 1988 Clusters and Ising critical droplets: a renormalisation group approach A Coniglio, W Klein
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 (8), 2775, 1980
724 1980 Anomalous voltage distribution of random resistor networks and a new model for the backbone at the percolation threshold L de Arcangelis, S Redner, A Coniglio
Physical Review B 31 (7), 4725, 1985
428 1985 Thermal Phase Transition of the Dilute -State Potts and -Vector Models at the Percolation Threshold A Coniglio
Physical Review Letters 46 (4), 250, 1981
413 1981 Cluster structure near the percolation threshold A Coniglio
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 15 (12), 3829, 1982
409 1982 Site-bond correlated-percolation problem: a statistical mechanical model of polymer gelation A Coniglio, HE Stanley, W Klein
Physical Review Letters 42 (8), 518, 1979
391 1979 Growth probability distribution in kinetic aggregation processes C Amitrano, A Coniglio, F Di Liberto
Physical review letters 57 (8), 1016, 1986
315 1986 Percolation, morphogenesis, and Burgers dynamics in blood vessels formation A Gamba, D Ambrosi, A Coniglio, A de Candia, S Di Talia, E Giraudo, ...
Physical review letters 90 (11), 118101, 2003
314 2003 Scaling properties for the surfaces of fractal and nonfractal objects: An infinite hierarchy of critical exponents P Meakin, A Coniglio, HE Stanley, TA Witten
Physical Review A 34 (4), 3325, 1986
262 1986 Pair connectedness and cluster size A Coniglio, U De Angelis, A Forlani
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 10 (7), 1123, 1977
242 1977 Solvent effects on polymer gels: A statistical-mechanical model A Coniglio, HE Stanley, W Klein
Physical Review B 25 (11), 6805, 1982
207 1982 Percolation points and critical point in the Ising model A Coniglio, CR Nappi, F Peruggi, L Russo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 10 (2), 205, 1977
202 1977 Multiscaling approach in random resistor and random superconducting networks L de Arcangelis, S Redner, A Coniglio
Physical Review B 34 (7), 4656, 1986
200 1986 Multiscaling in growth kinetics A Coniglio, M Zannetti
Europhysics Letters 10 (6), 575, 1989
193 1989 Fractal structure of Ising and Potts clusters: exact results A Coniglio
Physical review letters 62 (26), 3054, 1989
183 1989 Surfaces, interfaces, and screening of fractal structures P Meakin, HE Stanley, A Coniglio, TA Witten
Physical Review A 32 (4), 2364, 1985
181 1985 Screening of deeply invaginated clusters and the critical behavior of the random superconducting network A Coniglio, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 52 (13), 1068, 1984
163 1984 Kinetic growth walk: A new model for linear polymers I Majid, N Jan, A Coniglio, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 52 (15), 1257, 1984
159 1984 Frustration and slow dynamics of granular packings M Nicodemi, A Coniglio, HJ Herrmann
Physical Review E 55 (4), 3962, 1997
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