Alan Liu
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Pattern discovery of fuzzy time series for financial prediction
CHL Lee, A Liu, WS Chen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering 18 (5), 613-625, 2006
Kinematic design for platoon-lane-change maneuvers
HCH Hsu, A Liu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9 (1), 185-190, 2008
Multiagent-based multi-team formation control for mobile robots
HCH Hsu, A Liu
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 42 (4), 337-360, 2005
A flexible architecture for navigation control of a mobile robot
HCH Hsu, A Liu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2007
Modeling the query intention with goals
CHL Lee, A Liu
19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2005
A machine learning approach to case adaptation
CK Liao, A Liu, YS Chao
2018 IEEE First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2018
Knowledge-based software architectures: acquisition, specification, and verification
JJP Tsai, A Liu, E Juan, A Sahay
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 11 (1), 187-201, 1999
Toward intention aware semantic web service systems
CHL Lee, A Liu
2005 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'05) Vol-1 1, 69-76, 2005
Platoon lane change maneuvers for automated highway systems
HCH Hsu, A Liu
IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2004. 2, 780-785, 2004
DR Johnson
A fast ray tracing casting algorithm using adaptive isotriangular subdivision
R Shu, A Liu
1991 Proceeding Visualization, 232-238, 426, 1991
Load Balancing Among Photolithography Machines in the Semiconductor Manufacturing System.
A Shr, A Liu, PP Chen
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 24 (2), 2008
A Bayesian network based method for activity prediction in a smart home system
ZH Wu, A Liu, PC Zhou, YF Su
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
An implementation of knowledge based pattern recognition for financial prediction
CHL Lee, WS Chen, A Liu
IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, 2004. 1, 218-223, 2004
Multi-agent based formation control using a simple representation
HCH Hsu, A Liu
IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2004 1 …, 2004
Applying a taxonomy of formation control in developing a robotic system
HCH Hsu, A Liu
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16 (04), 565-582, 2007
A heuristic load balancing scheduling method for dedicated machine constraint
AMD Shr, A Liu, PP Chen
Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 19th International Conference …, 2006
Multiple teams for mobile robot formation control
HCH Hsu, A Liu
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control …, 2004
A knowledge-based approach to requirements analysis
A Liu, JJP Tsai
Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1995
A study of the data security attack and defense pattern in a centralized UAV–cloud architecture
G Airlangga, A Liu
Drones 7 (5), 289, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20