Charles Benight
Charles Benight
Professor of Psychology, University of Colorado
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Social cognitive theory of posttraumatic recovery: The role of perceived self-efficacy
CC Benight, A Bandura
Behaviour research and therapy 42 (10), 1129-1148, 2004
A meta-analysis of the relationship between job burnout and secondary traumatic stress among workers with indirect exposure to trauma.
R Cieslak, K Shoji, A Douglas, E Melville, A Luszczynska, CC Benight
Psychological services 11 (1), 75, 2014
Associations between job burnout and self-efficacy: A meta-analysis
K Shoji, R Cieslak, E Smoktunowicz, A Rogala, CC Benight, ...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 29 (4), 367-386, 2016
Posttraumatic stress symptoms, intrusive thoughts, loss, and immune function after Hurricane Andrew
G Ironson, C Wynings, N Schneiderman, A Baum, M Rodriguez, ...
Psychosomatic medicine 59 (2), 128-141, 1997
Coping self‐efficacy perceptions as a mediator between acute stress response and long‐term distress following natural disasters
CC Benight, ML Harper
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2002
Self-efficacy and health-related outcomes of collective trauma: A systematic review
A Luszczynska, CC Benight, R Cieslak
European Psychologist 14 (1), 51-62, 2009
Coping self‐efficacy as a mediator of distress following a natural disaster
CC Benight, E Swift, J Sanger, A Smith, D Zeppelin
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 29 (12), 2443-2464, 1999
Conservation of resources and coping self-efficacy predicting distress following a natural disaster: A causal model analysis where the environment meets the mind
CC Benight, G Ironson, K Klebe, CS Carver, C Wynings, K Burnett, ...
Anxiety, stress and coping 12 (2), 107-126, 1999
What comes first, job burnout or secondary traumatic stress? Findings from two longitudinal studies from the US and Poland
K Shoji, M Lesnierowska, E Smoktunowicz, J Bock, A Luszczynska, ...
PloS one 10 (8), e0136730, 2015
False alarms and close calls: A conceptual model of warning accuracy
LR Barnes, EC Gruntfest, MH Hayden, DM Schultz, C Benight
Weather and Forecasting 22 (5), 1140-1147, 2007
Coping Self‐Efficacy and Psychological Distress Following the Oklahoma City Bombing1
CC Benight, RW Freyaldenhoven, J Hughes, JM Ruiz, TA Zoschke, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 30 (7), 1331-1344, 2000
Coping self-efficacy mediates the effects of negative cognitions on posttraumatic distress
R Cieslak, CC Benight, VC Lehman
Behaviour research and therapy 46 (7), 788-798, 2008
Collective efficacy following a series of natural disasters
CC Benight
Anxiety, Stress & Coping 17 (4), 401-420, 2004
Predicting posttraumatic growth among Hurricane Katrina survivors living with HIV: The role of self-efficacy, social support, and PTSD symptoms
R Cieslak, C Benight, N Schmidt, A Luszczynska, E Curtin, RA Clark, ...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 22 (4), 449-463, 2009
Secondary traumatic stress among mental health providers working with the military: Prevalence and its work-and exposure-related correlates
R Cieslak, V Anderson, J Bock, BA Moore, AL Peterson, CC Benight
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 201 (11), 917-925, 2013
Explaining counterproductive work behaviors among police officers: The indirect effects of job demands are mediated by job burnout and moderated by job control and social support
E Smoktunowicz, L Baka, R Cieslak, CF Nichols, CC Benight, ...
Human Performance 28 (4), 332-350, 2015
Coping self-efficacy buffers psychological and physiological disturbances in HIV-infected men following a natural disaster.
CC Benight, MH Antoni, K Kilbourn, G Ironson, MA Kumar, MA Fletcher, ...
Health Psychology 16 (3), 248, 1997
Effects of trauma‐focused research on recent domestic violence survivors
LE Johnson, CC Benight
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2003
Risk factors for driving into flooded roads
SD Drobot, C Benight, EC Gruntfest
Environmental Hazards 7 (3), 227-234, 2007
Cognitive factors and resilience: How selfefficacy contributes to coping with adversities
CC Benight, R Cieslak
Resilience and mental health: Challenges across the lifespan, 45-55, 2011
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