Adrien Leblanc
Adrien Leblanc
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Vacuum laser acceleration of relativistic electrons using plasma mirror injectors
M Thévenet, A Leblanc, S Kahaly, H Vincenti, A Vernier, F Quéré, J Faure
Nature Physics 12 (4), 355-360, 2016
Plasma holograms for ultrahigh-intensity optics
A Leblanc, A Denoeud, L Chopineau, G Mennerat, P Martin, F Quéré
Nature Physics 13 (5), 440-443, 2017
Interaction of ultraintense laser vortices with plasma mirrors
A Denoeud, L Chopineau, A Leblanc, F Quéré
Physical review letters 118 (3), 033902, 2017
Tracking ultrafast solid-state dynamics using high harmonic spectroscopy
MR Bionta, E Haddad, A Leblanc, V Gruson, P Lassonde, H Ibrahim, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023250, 2021
Identification of coupling mechanisms between ultraintense laser light and dense plasmas
L Chopineau, A Leblanc, G Blaclard, A Denoeud, M Thévenet, JL Vay, ...
Physical Review X 9 (1), 011050, 2019
Optically controlled solid-density transient plasma gratings
S Monchocé, S Kahaly, A Leblanc, L Videau, P Combis, F Réau, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (14), 145008, 2014
Pushing the frontier in the design of laser-based electron accelerators with groundbreaking mesh-refined particle-in-cell simulations on exascale-class supercomputers
L Fedeli, A Huebl, F Boillod-Cerneux, T Clark, K Gott, C Hillairet, S Jaure, ...
SC22: international conference for high performance computing, networking …, 2022
Characterization and performance of the Apollon short-focal-area facility following its commissioning at 1 PW level
K Burdonov, A Fazzini, V Lelasseux, J Albrecht, P Antici, Y Ayoul, ...
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 6 (6), 2021
Analytical–numerical global model of atmospheric-pressure radio-frequency capacitive discharges
C Lazzaroni, P Chabert, MA Lieberman, AJ Lichtenberg, A Leblanc
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 21 (3), 035013, 2012
Phase-matching-free pulse retrieval based on transient absorption in solids
A Leblanc, P Lassonde, S Petit, JC Delagnes, E Haddad, G Ernotte, ...
Optics express 27 (20), 28998-29015, 2019
Controlled acceleration of GeV electron beams in an all-optical plasma waveguide
K Oubrerie, A Leblanc, O Kononenko, R Lahaye, IA Andriyash, J Gautier, ...
Light: Science & Applications 11 (1), 180, 2022
Ptychographic measurements of ultrahigh-intensity laser–plasma interactions
A Leblanc, S Monchocé, C Bourassin-Bouchet, S Kahaly, F Quéré
Nature Physics 12 (4), 301-305, 2016
Spatio-temporal characterization of attosecond pulses from plasma mirrors
L Chopineau, A Denoeud, A Leblanc, E Porat, P Martin, H Vincenti, ...
Nature physics 17 (8), 968-973, 2021
Spatial properties of high-order harmonic beams from plasma mirrors: a ptychographic study
A Leblanc, S Monchocé, H Vincenti, S Kahaly, JL Vay, F Quéré
Physical review letters 119 (15), 155001, 2017
Molecular gases for pulse compression in hollow core fibers
E Haddad, R Safaei, A Leblanc, R Piccoli, YG Jeong, H Ibrahim, ...
Optics express 26 (19), 25426-25436, 2018
Temporal characterization of two-octave infrared pulses by frequency resolved optical switching
A Leblanc, A Longa, M Kumar, A Laramée, C Dansereau, H Ibrahim, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 3 (4), 045002, 2021
Mid-infrared frequency domain optical parametric amplifier
G Dalla-Barba, G Jargot, P Lassonde, S Tóth, E Haddad, F Boschini, ...
Optics Express 31 (9), 14954-14964, 2023
SC22: international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis
L Fedeli, A Huebl, F Boillod-Cerneux, T Clark, K Gott, C Hillairet, S Jaure, ...
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2022
Measurement and control of main spatio-temporal couplings in a CPA laser chain
A Kabacinski, K Oubrerie, JP Goddet, J Gautier, F Tissandier, ...
Journal of Optics 23 (6), 06LT01, 2021
Low energy pulse compression in hollow core fibers using hydrofluorocarbon molecular gas
R Safaei, O Kwon, P Lassonde, V Cardin, E Haddad, A Leblanc, ...
OSA Continuum 2 (4), 1488-1495, 2019
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