Pramod Gaur
Pramod Gaur
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom
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A multi-class EEG-based BCI classification using multivariate empirical mode decomposition based filtering and Riemannian geometry
P Gaur, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
Expert Systems with Applications 95, 201-211, 2018
A sliding window common spatial pattern for enhancing motor imagery classification in EEG-BCI
P Gaur, H Gupta, A Chowdhury, K McCreadie, RB Pachori, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-9, 2021
An empirical mode decomposition based filtering method for classification of motor-imagery EEG signals for enhancing brain-computer interface
P Gaur, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
2015 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2015
An automatic subject specific intrinsic mode function selection for enhancing two-class EEG-based motor imagery-brain computer interface
P Gaur, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (16), 6938-6947, 2019
An automatic subject specific channel selection method for enhancing motor imagery classification in EEG-BCI using correlation
P Gaur, K McCreadie, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68, 102574, 2021
Tangent space features-based transfer learning classification model for two-class motor imagery brain–computer interface
P Gaur, K McCreadie, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
International journal of neural systems 29 (10), 1950025, 2019
Effects of maternal folic acid supplementation during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy on neurocognitive development in the child: an 11-year follow-up from a …
A Caffrey, H McNulty, M Rollins, G Prasad, P Gaur, JB Talcott, C Witton, ...
BMC medicine 19, 1-13, 2021
Effects of varying viscosity and thermal conductivity on steady free convective flow and heat transfer along an isothermal vertical plate in the presence of heat sink
NC Mahanti, P Gaur
COVID-19 disease identification from chest CT images using empirical wavelet transformation and transfer learning
P Gaur, V Malaviya, A Gupta, G Bhatia, RB Pachori, D Sharma
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71, 103076, 2022
A multivariate empirical mode decomposition based filtering for subject independent BCI
P Gaur, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
2016 27th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 1-7, 2016
EEG signal based seizure detection focused on Hjorth parameters from tunable-Q wavelet sub-bands
G Kaushik, P Gaur, RR Sharma, RB Pachori
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 76, 103645, 2022
Logistic regression with tangent space-based cross-subject learning for enhancing motor imagery classification
P Gaur, A Chowdhury, K McCreadie, RB Pachori, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 14 (3), 1188-1197, 2021
Detection of epileptic seizure in EEG signals using machine learning and deep learning techniques
P Kunekar, MK Gupta, P Gaur
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 71 (1), 21, 2024
Sliding Window along with EEGNet based Prediction of EEG Motor Imagery
P Saideepthi, A Chowdhury, P Gaur, RB Pachori
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023
Deep hybrid learning for facial expression binary classifications and predictions
RK Mishra, S Urolagin, JAA Jothi, P Gaur
Image and Vision Computing 128, 104573, 2022
Comparison analysis: single and multichannel EMD based filtering with application to BCI
P Gaur, G Kaushik, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing, 2017
Enhanced Motor Imagery Classification in EEG-BCI using Multivariate EMD based Filtering and CSP Features
P Gaur, RB Pachori, H Wang, G Prasad
Proceedings of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting: BCI …, 2016
Privacy protection framework for android
B Mishra, A Agarwal, A Goel, AA Ansari, P Gaur, D Singh, HN Lee
IEEE Access 10, 7973-7988, 2022
An Optimal Model Selection for COVID 19 Disease Classification
P Gaur, V Malaviya, A Gupta, G Bhatia, B Mishra, RB Pachori, D Sharma
Development of data-driven methods for non-stationary classification problems in EEG/MEG based brain-computer interfaces
P Gaur
Ulster University, 2018
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Articoli 1–20