Patrick Carribault
Patrick Carribault
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Collisions of SHA-0 and Reduced SHA-1
E Biham, R Chen, A Joux, P Carribault, C Lemuet, W Jalby
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2005: 24th Annual International Conference …, 2005
MPC-MPI: An MPI implementation reducing the overall memory consumption
M Pérache, P Carribault, H Jourdren
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface …, 2009
Scheduling strategies for optimistic parallel execution of irregular programs
M Kulkarni, P Carribault, K Pingali, G Ramanarayanan, B Walter, K Bala, ...
Proceedings of the twentieth annual symposium on Parallelism in algorithms …, 2008
Maqao: Modular assembler quality analyzer and optimizer for itanium 2
L Djoudi, D Barthou, P Carribault, C Lemuet, JT Acquaviva, W Jalby
The 4th Workshop on EPIC architectures and compiler technology, San Jose, 2005
Collisions in SHA-0
A Joux
CRYPTO 2004 Rump Session, 2004
Enabling low-overhead hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism with MPC
P Carribault, M Pérache, H Jourdren
Beyond Loop Level Parallelism in OpenMP: Accelerators, Tasking and More: 6th …, 2010
PARCOACH: Combining static and dynamic validation of MPI collective communications
E Saillard, P Carribault, D Barthou
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 28 (4 …, 2014
Exploring application performance: a new tool for a static/dynamic approach
L Djoudi, D Barthou, P Carribault, C Lemuet, JT Acquaviva, W Jalby
Proceedings of the 6th LACSI Symposium, 2005
Deep Jam: Conversion of coarse-grain parallelism to instruction-level and vector parallelism for irregular applications
P Carribault, A Cohen, W Jalby
14th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2005
Improving MPI communication overlap with collaborative polling
S Didelot, P Carribault, M Pérache, W Jalby
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface, 37-46, 2012
Thread-local storage extension to support thread-based MPI/openMP applications
P Carribault, M Pérache, H Jourdren
International Workshop on OpenMP, 80-93, 2011
An MPI halo-cell implementation for zero-copy abstraction
JB Besnard, A Malony, S Shende, M Pérache, P Carribault, J Jaeger
Proceedings of the 22nd European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 1-9, 2015
Evaluation of OpenMP task scheduling algorithms for large NUMA architectures
J Clet-Ortega, P Carribault, M Pérache
Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto …, 2014
Efficient communication/computation overlap with MPI+ OpenMP runtimes collaboration
M Sergent, M Dagrada, P Carribault, J Jaeger, M Pérache, G Papauré
Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing: 24th International Conference on …, 2018
Checkpoint/restart approaches for a thread-based MPI runtime
J Adam, M Kermarquer, JB Besnard, L Bautista-Gomez, M Pérache, ...
Parallel Computing 85, 204-219, 2019
Introducing Task-Containers as an Alternative to Runtime-Stacking
JB Besnard, J Adam, S Shende, M Pérache, P Carribault, J Jaeger, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 51-63, 2016
Loop optimization using hierarchical compilation and kernel decomposition
D Barthou, S Donadio, P Carribault, A Duchateau, W Jalby
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO'07), 170-184, 2007
Static validation of barriers and worksharing constructs in OpenMP applications
E Saillard, P Carribault, D Barthou
International Workshop on OpenMP, 73-86, 2014
Combining static and dynamic validation of MPI collective communications
E Saillard, P Carribault, D Barthou
Proceedings of the 20th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 117-122, 2013
Transparent high-speed network checkpoint/restart in mpi
J Adam, JB Besnard, AD Malony, S Shende, M Pérache, P Carribault, ...
Proceedings of the 25th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 1-11, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20