A DFT study of uracil and 5-bromouracil in nanodroplets T van Mourik, VI Danilov, VV Dailidonis, N Kurita, H Wakabayashi, ... Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 125, 233-244, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
A study of nucleic acid base-stacking by the Monte Carlo method: Extended cluster approach V Danilov, V Dailidonis, T Mourik, H Früchtl Open Chemistry 9 (4), 720-727, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Berberine alkaloid: Quantum chemical study of different forms by the DFT and MP2 methods VI Danilov, VV Dailidonis, DM Hovorun, N Kurita, Y Murayama, ... Chemical physics letters 430 (4-6), 409-413, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
Mechanical properties and plasticity of a model glass loaded under stress control V Dailidonis, V Ilyin, P Mishra, I Procaccia Physical Review E 90 (5), 052402, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Breakdown of nonlinear elasticity in stress-controlled thermal amorphous solids V Dailidonis, V Ilyin, I Procaccia, CABZ Shor Physical Review E 95 (3), 031001, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
The nature of base stacking: a Monte Carlo study VV Dailidonis, VI Danilov, HA Früchtl, T van Mourik Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 130, 859-870, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Consequences of disorder on the stability of amorphous solids V Dailidonis, V Ilyin, P Mishra, I Procaccia Physical Review B 92 (9), 094105, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
96 Study of the stacking of DNA homoassociates by the extended cluster approach VI Danilov, VV Dailidonis Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 31 (sup1), 60-61, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |